16 days into fllowering, what should my buds look like?


Active Member
This is my first time flowering a plant. I started flowering two of my problematic females so that I can get the hang of harvesting a plant before I attempt my extremely healthy ones. I don't expect to harvest huge potent buds due to the plants being problematic. I was wondering how a healthy almost 3 week old flowering plant should look like. Also are there low stress training methods I can do during the flowering stage.


Active Member
mine are smaller but I think I also started them a week early. My plants didn't even show a sex until 14 days into it 12:12. two days later they have small buds forming that are about the size od my thumb. Hell my plants in veg showed sex before the ones I flowered.


Active Member
Here is my Blue Dream at 16 days. I know you cant see the color because of the hps but does she look like a good size for 16 days? when i get off work i will take a picture thats not under the hps light so you can see the color of the flowerimage.jpeg image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
^ What he said. Just let them ride. You're learning anyways, you can see what everything comes out like when you leave the plant alone.