HPV app


Well-Known Member
fixed it for you!

the second it becomes legal for me to grow (and not just to legally smoke, which I can) then I would like to grow.

I don't have a lot of free time though. It seems very time consuming
Getting set up is the big hurdle. If you're just growing enough for yourself, every day grow maintenance is not that time consuming. And it's fun. The most time is spent in setting up and dialing in your grow room, early growth, and harvesting. We'll all help you when you get ready. Just ask.


Well-Known Member
Getting set up is the big hurdle. If you're just growing enough for yourself, every day grow maintenance is not that time consuming. And it's fun. The most time is spent in setting up and dialing in your grow room, early growth, and harvesting. We'll all help you when you get ready. Just ask.
Awwwwwwwww - thanks doll!

I am biding my time until legal to grow. I have heard rumours about April 20th, 2016.

I like just ordering it online for the now.

AND I have been keeping this jade plant alive for like 6 months! I’m doing good!


Well-Known Member
A magician granted my wish!!!!

What is this sorcery???


I'm too high for this man...I'm freaking out!!!

Fak, after all this now I'm gonna get it FOR SURE!