HPV app


Well-Known Member
I was never much for the online thing. I preferred hunting for tail in clubs and bars.

Though I will say I had an interesting evening come from yahoo personals back in the dial up days.

I was a teenager. This chick hit me up and I made the mistake of giving her my address. She shows up and looks nothing like the pic she sent me. She was a whale. I said the hell with it and we went riding around.

We end up at a large lake on a state park. She says she is on the rag and we can't screw. I was like "damn."
She says she will suck my dick and I'm like "ok."

I'm on the hood of the car and she was doing a very good job. Golf ball through a garden hose kinda job.

I feel the climax approaching and at the same time noticed a boat working its way around the shoreline. I figured it was fish and game because they were spot lighting the camping spots.

Now I am in a dilemma. The boat and my orgasm are approaching at the same time. The boat won and got there first.

Spot light hits us. "Fish and Game!" "Never mind!" as they leave laughing.

Ah. Good memories.


Well-Known Member
For some reason, my kid gets apps on her iPhone the same second I install on mine, and the same vise versa. She has to use my password in the app store. Something went wrong when we hooked everything up:-(
I was just farting around one day and put POF app on my phone, not thinking about the shared app bullshit. And guess who calls me up immediately? Dad! POF? Really?
So anyways, i just looked into the tinder thing. Saw it was an app, and NOPE! Not gonna do it. Even though it should be no big deal rite?
HAHAHA the trials and travails of parenting in the age of iPhones!


Well-Known Member
I was never much for the online thing. I preferred hunting for tail in clubs and bars.

Though I will say I had an interesting evening come from yahoo personals back in the dial up days.

I was a teenager. This chick hit me up and I made the mistake of giving her my address. She shows up and looks nothing like the pic she sent me. She was a whale. I said the hell with it and we went riding around.

We end up at a large lake on a state park. She says she is on the rag and we can't screw. I was like "damn."
She says she will suck my dick and I'm like "ok."

I'm on the hood of the car and she was doing a very good job. Golf ball through a garden hose kinda job.

I feel the climax approaching and at the same time noticed a boat working its way around the shoreline. I figured it was fish and game because they were spot lighting the camping spots.

Now I am in a dilemma. The boat and my orgasm are approaching at the same time. The boat won and got there first.

Spot light hits us. "Fish and Game!" "Never mind!" as they leave laughing.

Ah. Good memories.
They didn't check your fishing license? You were supposed to have the WHALE tag!


Well-Known Member
THAT'S sexy! I bet you even grow your own weed...
I do NOT. Maybe one day…

But, I don’t like the idea of having to rely on another person to pay for all my shit. I know in marriages that happens sometimes. I have some friends that are stay-at-home moms, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.

I just really like making my own money. And I’m pretty good at it! My territory at work was up this last week, I had the best margins, and got a shout out from one of our category analysts about how well I dealt with a sticky situation.

I’m a good worker.

Welllllll shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet. Guess I better get back to my workout, then;
ONE viagra...
TWO viagra...
fixed it for you!



Well-Known Member
I do NOT. Maybe one day…

But, I don’t like the idea of having to rely on another person to pay for all my shit. I know in marriages that happens sometimes. I have some friends that are stay-at-home moms, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.

I just really like making my own money. And I’m pretty good at it! My territory at work was up this last week, I had the best margins, and got a shout out from one of our category analysts about how well I dealt with a sticky situation.

I’m a good worker.

fixed it for you!

Did you know it's almost legal? I bet that a nice young lady like yourself could certainly find someone on this here website who'd be happy to help you try your hand... at growing. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Welllllll shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet. Guess I better get back to my workout, then;
ONE viagra...
TWO viagra...
fixed it for you!

Did you know it's almost legal? I bet that a nice young lady like yourself could certainly find someone on this here website who'd be happy to help you try your hand... at growing. :bigjoint:
the second it becomes legal for me to grow (and not just to legally smoke, which I can) then I would like to grow.

I don't have a lot of free time though. It seems very time consuming