The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Get 12x 7 litre pots and put them into flower at 30cms. 9 weeks later expect 44 DRY grams per pot. Truly flattered that you think I'm an unbelievable grower!
Exactly, you're getting 44g (1.6oz) per plant, not the mythical 530-550g (18-19oz) you've just stated!

When a seed company states "up to 600g" that means per plant, not divided by however many plants you've got ffs.

I don't think you're an unbelievable grower, I think you're a grower that's unbelievable (don't get ahead of yourself).

1.6oz per plant at that size is average.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Think yorkie took u up wrong lol, he reckoned ur gettin 18 oz per pot. How long u vegging to get 44 g per plant.
Because that's what "up to 600g" means when stated by a breeder.

She's misunderstood, it's obvious with the statement she made........."Positronics ain't lying when they say up to 600g, I've done 530 and 550g a few times now."

530-550g would look fucking weak if she had 500 plants eh!? ;)
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Well-Known Member
Exactly, you're getting 44g (1.6oz) per plant, not the mythical 530-550g (18-19oz) you've just stated!

When a seed company states "up to 600g" that means per plant, not divided by however many plants you've got ffs.

I don't think you're an unbelievable grower, I think you're a grower that's unbelievable (don't get ahead of yourself).

1.6oz per plant at that size is average.
No, what's wrong with your maths?

I got 530g from 12 plants in one square. I got 550g from 9 plants in hydro of the same pheno.

Clearly you are not hitting the figures. What you wanna be aiming for is 1 gram per watt. It doesn't matter how you do it. 4 plants, 12, 16. That's your aim. Fill the canopy up. The final weight per SQUARE IS WHAT MATTERS.

Which of course I nearly am achieving with a 600w light.

The more you doubt this the more obvious is it that you are getting very low yields. What a shame. 300g/sq is it?

Can I see your plant pics please.


Well-Known Member
Because that's what "up to 600g" means when stated by a breeder.

She's misunderstood, it's obvious with the statement she made........."Positronics ain't lying when they say up to 600g, I've done 530 and 550g a few times now."

530-550g would look fucking weak if she had 500 plants eh!? ;)
I always thought most breeders claimed that per square metre not per plant as most of those figures have a m/2 next to them


Well-Known Member
thx! may have to take you up on that;-) it really is a shame that they are willing to prosecute us for trying to get our own meds. something that has shown to not only help, but put it completely in remission. that isn't a poison(radiation). without a test on my buds, i kinda feel I'm chasing my tail. i just may make a 15 hour drive to grab some clones legally. smh.
I'll PM you later. Got lights starting to come on now and the pitbull needs a walk! :)


Well-Known Member
Because that's what "up to 600g" means when stated by a breeder.

She's misunderstood, it's obvious with the statement she made........."Positronics ain't lying when they say up to 600g, I've done 530 and 550g a few times now."

530-550g would look fucking weak if she had 500 plants eh!? ;)
I thot the same when reading it first yorkie, thot she meant per plant cos that's usually what the breeders talk about, either per plant or per m2


Well-Known Member
Think yorkie took u up wrong lol, he reckoned ur gettin 18 oz per pot. How long u vegging to get 44 g per plant.
Hey, just the clones takes ages (blue) 14 days and then 2 weeks to veg to 30cms.

I hate watering. Not PH -ing either. Hope this helps...

When they state per plant is for Mother Earth, no pots outdoor. Indoor figures are always g/M2

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
No, what's wrong with your maths?

I got 530g from 12 plants in one square. I got 550g from 9 plants in hydro of the same pheno.

Clearly you are not hitting the figures. What you wanna be aiming for is 1 gram per watt. It doesn't matter how you do it. 4 plants, 12, 16. That's your aim. Fill the canopy up. The final weight per SQUARE IS WHAT MATTERS.

Which of course I nearly am achieving with a 600w light.

The more you doubt this the more obvious is it that you are getting very low yields. What a shame. 300g/sq is it?

Can I see your plant pics please.

Usually seed breeders state the potential yield per seed,per pot size, per days flowering, per medium (it's the standard).

If Positronics have stated per square metre then fair enough.

I'm off to the grow shop, if I can find some plant pics when I get back I'll post some sure.

But no, I smash those yields.
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Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
shes full of shit imo lol

Nah mate! I'd say your plants are full of shit. And this was your Avi picture! Lmfao. How do you get it so wrong and still go around advising others?

Now you want Pompey to over feed and burn his plants too?!

You are so full of shit it's a joke. Mainly driven my misogynystic views and how men are superior.

There's loads of woman on this site that outgrow you so get used to it. YOUR PICS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.


Well-Known Member
oh my fukin life we got Ribena greasing up to her now, cant even have a fukin joke on here these days without some cunt goinginto meltdown lmfao


Well-Known Member
yeah pompey don't think ur gonna burn your plants man bird noes nothing of foliar feeding she thinks it competes with root uptake lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
When they state per plant is for Mother Earth, no pots outdoor. Indoor figures are always g/M2
Shut up silly sod, I've just checked Positronics website and per plant they're stating around 120g which is 4oz.

4oz per plant is about average for a 6-8 litre pot grown under a 600w bulb (I can do that with a 400w).

Outside with no pots per plant would smash your per square metre indoor yields chick! (depending where in the world you are gowing).
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