Some new strange..

Just because someone is in caps dosnt mean there yelling, you guys have been around mainliner too long, i fear his rubbing you alil from post to post has weakened the force within you...................not to fear tho........i will renavigate my pathways here so i am not misconcieved!
Just because someone is in caps dosnt mean there yelling, you guys have been around mainliner too long, i fear his rubbing you alil from post to post has weakened the force within you...................not to fear tho........i will renavigate my pathways here so i am not misconcieved!

When I want to make a point, highlight a particular word or statement, or just “act like I’m yelling” - I totally caps the shit out of it.

Tomato, Potato

Maybe caps is yelling to some people, but not others?

Ever think that every person in the world is different, than every other person in the world? Some can do some things, some can do others. Did you ever think about all the things that you can do?

Did you ever grow anything, in the garden of your mind? You can grow ideas…in the garden of your mind…

It’s good to be curious, about many things. You can think about things, and make beleive, all you have to do is think - and they’ll GROW…

Just because someone is in caps dosnt mean there yelling, you guys have been around mainliner too long, i fear his rubbing you alil....

that IS yelling. way to deflect to mainliner. perhaps you're concerned you're being associated with him, eh. not to worry... there's still hope. that is, as long as you stop yelling and stop being disrespectful to double jj.

I met a beautiful senorita last weekend and I'm never drinking tequila again. Again.
that IS yelling. way to deflect to mainliner. perhaps you're concerned you're being associated with him, eh. not to worry... there's still hope. that is, as long as you stop yelling and stop being disrespectful to double jj.
I thought it was just polite ribbing. No?

If it’s not, I must say that I agree 100% with your statement. I love @doublejj . He’s one of the only long time members in this place that doesn’t want to murder me.

It’s refreshing.

I also don’t care about being associated with Mainliner. He is the lesser of MANY evils on this site. And I don’t give a fuck who knows it…

THERE! I said it!
So I started back at my old job, lol everyone is buying pot from me which is awesome.. Already flipped about a qp in 3 days in just 8ths and quarters alone..

Anyways, there is a 27 year old latino hottie.. She looks identical to Michelle Rodriguez from Fast and the furious... I sat down with her the other night and bullshitted for a bit.. Asked her if she had kids and if she was married.. No to both.. I thought she was young like under 21, but she told me she was 27.. I was like damn... I told her I kept smelling dank ass weed in the restaurant and she said "sorry that was her".. I was like damn again..

I brought her a little sample of my stuff, to try out. Like a gram.. She worked this morning and I worked tonight, but she said "to bad you have to work tonight" and I asked why is that, she said "if you were off we could be hanging out".. I think that is code for I want your dick???

I tried to pull a pic off facebook but I guess she doesn't have one.. But I am sure I can have some pics in a couple days ;)

So we close together tomorrow night, I am going to invite her out.. I am buying a case of Corona and bringing a fat blunt laced with shatter.. That should do the job..

I hate baiting the hook with cannabis, but 60% of the time it works every time.

Eventually you might ask, "does she like me for my personality, my cock, or is my weed just that good? "