Trailer Park Boys


Well-Known Member
Any other fans? I had a Canadian friend of mine turn me onto it and I have seen every episode. This is my second time around to watch it.


Well-Known Member
I love trailer park boys :D ive got series 1 2 3 and 4 on dvd theres this one scene I love Julian and this real church going lass fall through the door of his caravan/grow room and hes like 'Yeah its industrial grade hemp..............I make rope' :D:D:D

And there are just too many Rickyisms to mention man.

Oh and Konky! man im putting trailer park boys on


Well-Known Member
ohh man I remember when i was in high school about 2005 I seen this gif somewhere, I had no idea where it was from but found it fucking hilarious

In till I started watching it on Netflix I didn't like the first 2 episodes, I thought they where supposed to be from the south but once I figured they where Canadian, their accents and everything made sense and since then this became one of my fucking favorite shows ever, Also my inspiration to grow weed , I also love how every time they show one of Rickey's grows nearly all the plants look dead as fuck!

the Rickeyisms alone are hilarious, I can't even say jalapeno right anymore and it's pissing off my Hispanic friends and family