Why does it have to be Black Friday?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, thank you, thank you! There are a few in the community who agree with that 100%, but how do you take on McDonalds? Clearly Mayor McCheese is the plantation owner, Grimace is a large Southern slave, purple black from the hot Summer sun, trying to get some food from the master, the Hamburgler, Capt. Crook, etc., too obvious, and the rest of the little slaves trying to steal some food, while that Uncle Tom Ronald denies them. Any corporation that has black only commercials for black areas of the country should be exposed for the bigots they are, and we should have a discussion about separate but equal. Thank you again for your post.
Dont forget that Grimace was originally "Evil Grimace". Their contempt for the Black man shows through their white pointy-headed robes.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
the people who work at walmart around here get 25% off one whole purchase this year on dec. 4th i believe..... I'm trying to think to a way to make some money from that. Maybe buy 10 TV's or something... and give the worker a 10 rock
As a former employee I can tell you that the 25% off is for one item only, not a whole purchase. Also it's not 25%, it's 15% and you can use your 10% employee discount along with it.