spots on leaves appeared dont know what to do noob...


Well-Known Member
Hi i posted here for help before and you guys been really good with answers i have one more tho :D
there has been no problems so far and one day these just appeared on my plant don't know what to do did some research to me it seems like nutrition burn but i am not sure i hope you guys can help!!!



Well-Known Member
I havent seen a leaf with symptoms quite like that before. It resembles nute burn a little but lets go from the top to see if theres anything out of the ordinary. Whats the medium its growing in? Feeding shedule? Food? Ligjts? Temps? What we need to know to have a clue whats goimg on here.


Well-Known Member
Hi i posted here for help before and you guys been really good with answers i have one more tho :D
there has been no problems so far and one day these just appeared on my plant don't know what to do did some research to me it seems like nutrition burn but i am not sure i hope you guys can help!!!



Well-Known Member
Hi i posted here for help before and you guys been really good with answers i have one more tho :D
there has been no problems so far and one day these just appeared on my plant don't know what to do did some research to me it seems like nutrition burn but i am not sure i hope you guys can help!!!
How old is the plant and what u have been feeding her? How often? I suspect whats going on here is a k excess locking out mg,calcium,zink and iron


Well-Known Member
How old is the plant and what u have been feeding her? How often? I suspect whats going on here is a k excess locking out mg,calcium,zink and iron
I havent seen a leaf with symptoms quite like that before. It resembles nute burn a little but lets go from the top to see if theres anything out of the ordinary. Whats the medium its growing in? Feeding shedule? Food? Ligjts? Temps? What we need to know to have a clue whats goimg on here.
im not feeding it anything i am using pro mix sprouting soil apparently it had nutes in it already and the plant is about 3-4 weeks old there was no problem before it just appeared. i water it when bucket gets light trying not to over or under water temps are usually between 28-30 c cant seem to get it lower i am going to need to invest in some LEDs.
oh and it is on 24/0 light i have 3x23w 6500k CFL, 1x43w 6500k CFL, and 2x23w 2700 k CFL


Well-Known Member
Unless you amended it most store bought soil will only last about 4/5 weeks (ish). I suspect you're coming to the end of the line (as noted in appearance) and its time to start thinking about feeding her. Isn't the Promix stuff soiless? Meaning no nutes.....


Well-Known Member
im not feeding it anything i am using pro mix sprouting soil apparently it had nutes in it already and the plant is about 3-4 weeks old there was no problem before it just appeared. i water it when bucket gets light trying not to over or under water temps are usually between 28-30 c cant seem to get it lower i am going to need to invest in some LEDs.
oh and it is on 24/0 light i have 3x23w 6500k CFL, 1x43w 6500k CFL, and 2x23w 2700 k CFL
Its this an auto? If not u can do 18/6 ime they grow faster with some dark period, in nature they dont get 24 hours of light every day. GL


Well-Known Member
Hi i posted here for help before and you guys been really good with answers i have one more tho :D
there has been no problems so far and one day these just appeared on my plant don't know what to do did some research to me it seems like nutrition burn but i am not sure i hope you guys can help!!!
Then it looks like calmag issue, if u haven't been feeding anything.


Well-Known Member
im not feeding it anything i am using pro mix sprouting soil apparently it had nutes in it already and the plant is about 3-4 weeks old there was no problem before it just appeared. i water it when bucket gets light trying not to over or under water temps are usually between 28-30 c cant seem to get it lower i am going to need to invest in some LEDs.
oh and it is on 24/0 light i have 3x23w 6500k CFL, 1x43w 6500k CFL, and 2x23w 2700 k CFL
Do u have some type of ventilation?


Well-Known Member
Yellow and iron/mag deficiency, you might either need to check your ph or get a bottle of cal/mag to fix the issue. Probably your ph though by the look of the yellow, whats your ph running at?


Active Member
Found this,

"Pro-Mix contains traces of extra nutrients. This is a plus because new seedlings rely on nutrients provided by the seed while they germinate and take root. Excess fertilizing at this stage can make tomato plants leggy or weak. Pro-Mix encourages you to put a fertilization schedule into place when seedlings are 3-4 weeks old."

If you want to go with LED, you should look into building your own with high power COBs (Chip on board). They are relatively inexpensive and simple to build.


Well-Known Member
im not feeding it anything i am using pro mix sprouting soil apparently it had nutes in it already and the plant is about 3-4 weeks old there was no problem before it just appeared. i water it when bucket gets light trying not to over or under water temps are usually between 28-30 c cant seem to get it lower i am going to need to invest in some LEDs.
oh and it is on 24/0 light i have 3x23w 6500k CFL, 1x43w 6500k CFL, and 2x23w 2700 k CFL
Promix has minimal fertilizer in it. You probably want to start feeding asap. Your probably suffering several deficiencies all at once. By what youve said i would expect nitrogen is top on the list. Soiless mediums need feeding at every watering. I would start with quarter strength and then gradually increase as the plant gets bigger and can consume all the food. As it grows watch for signs youre feeding to much or not enough. Too much will give you clawing of the leaves and not enough will show with leaf yellowing and a general pale lime color of the plant. You want emerald green. ;) good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yellow and iron/mag deficiency, you might either need to check your ph or get a bottle of cal/mag to fix the issue. Probably your ph though by the look of the yellow, whats your ph running at?
no idea what ph is just ordered a tester off ebay this is my first ever plant just trying to see how it will go did not think i need it but i guess its mandatory :D


Well-Known Member
Found this,

"Pro-Mix contains traces of extra nutrients. This is a plus because new seedlings rely on nutrients provided by the seed while they germinate and take root. Excess fertilizing at this stage can make tomato plants leggy or weak. Pro-Mix encourages you to put a fertilization schedule into place when seedlings are 3-4 weeks old."

If you want to go with LED, you should look into building your own with high power COBs (Chip on board). They are relatively inexpensive and simple to build.
shit thanks that light looks like a beast do you have any experience with COB LED's? i tried to search but did not seem to find anything about temp s they are running at cuz if they put out same heat as cfl iuno what to do but if they don't im gonna start building one asap
also would i have to mix 3000k and 6500k or would 3000 k be good for the whole grow?


Well-Known Member
Promix has minimal fertilizer in it. You probably want to start feeding asap. Your probably suffering several deficiencies all at once. By what youve said i would expect nitrogen is top on the list. Soiless mediums need feeding at every watering. I would start with quarter strength and then gradually increase as the plant gets bigger and can consume all the food. As it grows watch for signs youre feeding to much or not enough. Too much will give you clawing of the leaves and not enough will show with leaf yellowing and a general pale lime color of the plant. You want emerald green. ;) good luck.
you think this would do the trick?

or should i find something that's organic? but would i need organic soil for organic food ? might just start all over with all the good things and all the info i learned


Active Member
shit thanks that light looks like a beast do you have any experience with COB LED's? i tried to search but did not seem to find anything about temp s they are running at cuz if they put out same heat as cfl iuno what to do but if they don't im gonna start building one asap
also would i have to mix 3000k and 6500k or would 3000 k be good for the whole grow?
I've been doing a good amount of research into COB lights, I just ordered the supplies to build a 300w grow light. My plan is to put 5 Cree COBs with heatsinks inside a 4x4" hollow plastic fence post to use as a cool tube setup in a 2x4' tent. Some people just use all 3000k with good results, I'm using 4x3000k and 1 4000k for a veg to flower light. I posted this earlier if you want to check it out, the second post has a link to a really good thread on DIY COB light builds.

No matter what light type you use, all of the input energy is basically converted to heat. Whether directly at the source or as radiated light.


Well-Known Member
you think this would do the trick?

or should i find something that's organic? but would i need organic soil for organic food ? might just start all over with all the good things and all the info i learned
Oh no you dont start over. If you want to do that just think that itll take as long for your small plants to flower as it will for the new plants to be even neer ready to flower. Thats return and experience. Thats way better than a kick in the ass with a frozen boot.