3 foot plant. HELP


Active Member
I have a 3 foot plant that needs to be flowered but my light only goes to 6 and a half feet, so that only give me 5 and a half of growing space. please tell me what I can do to grow this plant without it out growing my space?


Well-Known Member
You can top your plant which is effectively taking the main stem and taking it as a cutting. This will cause you lower branches to grow more vigorously and you may have to top some of them too. You ca also tie the tops of the branches down though I have no experience with this. I think it's pretty simple though, just do a search of the forums.


Well-Known Member
hey bro can you explain topping to me please

You can top your plant which is effectively taking the main stem and taking it as a cutting. This will cause you lower branches to grow more vigorously and you may have to top some of them too. You ca also tie the tops of the branches down though I have no experience with this. I think it's pretty simple though, just do a search of the forums.


Well-Known Member
to top your plant it is really easy
it is also known as pruning
just take scissors and cut about 1/4" above the area you want to keep
in other words just cut off the top of your plant taking up too much space


Well-Known Member
You may not need to worry about it... You plant may not have 6' in its genetics. I know a lot of people are always saying your plants can double to tripple when you put them in flowering, but that is b/c they are flowering when the plant is 8".


Well-Known Member
You may not need to worry about it... You plant may not have 6' in its genetics. I know a lot of people are always saying your plants can double to tripple when you put them in flowering, but that is b/c they are flowering when the plant is 8".
It also depends on the strain. I'm growing Master Kush and the strongest ones tripled in height from 12"(they're now 36").


Well-Known Member
It also depends on the strain. I'm growing Master Kush and the strongest ones tripled in height from 12"(they're now 36").
I would say most indoor strains top out somewhere right about there. I've veg'd the same strain until it was ~24" and it ended up going to ~36". Then, veg'd to ~18" and with some LST'n they got to ~40".


Well-Known Member
easy, if you dont want to top, just add a flowering additive called phosphoload. not only does it stunt the growing height almost immediately, it promotes bushier plants and tighter buds. i think you onl use this the first 2 weeks of flowe.


Well-Known Member
easy, if you dont want to top, just add a flowering additive called phosphoload. not only does it stunt the growing height almost immediately, it promotes bushier plants and tighter buds. i think you onl use this the first 2 weeks of flowe.
Interesting - thanks for posting - I'm guna check this out!