The UK Growers Thread!

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
What da fuck are u spewing lol have u seen our climate dude?shits not possible so we accept n grow indoors where we can control our environment. jog
on back to your funky town music thread...why the Fuck are u in here when all u do it spew dribble? I'm sick of cleaning this sorry excuse of argument off my slippers! U gonna talk shit talk elsewhere u cock monger.
Man you dont know me. This is the 1st time Ive been in this thread or even seen you.

Who the fuck are you again???


Well-Known Member
Guys who hit the retard button ?? I fckn told yas wat wud happen if ya hit the retard button... but ya still had to push it didn ya... now look at all these fukin retards about ...


Well-Known Member
so lets see your plants master grower...I'd fuck a dudes ass if you do
plants just in veg...never said I was a master grower...I've been called master of the universe but not at growing about you my little cupcake? Let's see those outdoor 3s
..wait a minute I don't give a fuck jog on u power puff