The UK Growers Thread!

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
he grows under a 600 that's why his buds arnt swollen, his soil is too heavy as the plants didn't stretch properly due to slight lack of oxygen, its an ok grow but he will improve if he wakes the fuk up
You nothing about my grow and you're all wrong man


Well-Known Member
Nothing else to say? The ones in veg are the new crop comming up next. I'll post pics when those are done too if you'd like.

Still havent seen any of yours except the ugly wilted ones... ijs
Like I said I'm still a new ish grower still learing but happy with what I getting


Well-Known Member
there was one I put up when I was doing living organics, it was fed on water only with a few aact s, slipper s still got it so if he wipes the data u may see my one pic lol, muppets, I prefer to give people my dried product, pics always look good if can grow so only fool the noobs...its in the smoke not the photo...fukin pinworm lol ide a loved to have sampled that shit product..cough cough no high


Well-Known Member

Ok here's a UK grow. If your plants don't look like this then why not??!

This was only grow number 6 with YOUR FAVOURITE, 4 CLONES IN A TENT. 2 weeks veg and 7 weeks flower. 9 weeks risk for 750g (4 plants). Worth bending over for the soap !?!

They have 2 tents now and produce 1.5 kg every 9 weeks. 8 plants risk total. Does your grow look like this?? If so well done. If you've been doing it for years they should look like this anyway.

So some growers in the UK are shit hot with just a few harvests under their belt, and always in hydro. Others are a bit slower to learn.

Can't tell you how many grams per litre of soil obviously but I can say it wouldn't fit in a bath tub.
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Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
there was one I put up when I was doing living organics, it was fed on water only with a few aact, I prefer to give people my dried product, pics always look good if can grow so only fool the noobs...its in the smoke not the photo...
Ok, that sound legit, I'll give you that(water only and aact) I can get down with that. No arguments there(and im not gonna talk shit just because im in shit talk mode right now)

I grow all organic and focus on microbe population, I dont flush and dry slow(7-10 days) then cure in jars with a hygrometer. My smoke is always smooth and I have noobs always ask "Is it so smooth because you flush?" :roll: I just say yea because I hate the convo after I say nope.

So as it stands, I dont have a problem with the way you're talking about growing.


Active Member
yay now the thread seems interesting. dick swinging contest is on. show your best elite strains or finished crops,. lets see who walks the walk here.:lol: