Wouldn't try experimenting because constant voltage isn't ideal for LED.
Besides, the Vero 18 does not run at 32V.
It runs at 31.6V at 2100mA, so with a 32V constant voltage power supply it would try to pull more than 2100mA which the supply can't handle.
http://www.bridgelux.com/sites/default/files/resource_media/DS31 Vero 13 Array Data Sheet Rev J 20150908.pdf
Also I see on the Vero datasheet that as the temp rises (25-85 degrees celcius) the voltage is less at the same current but since a laptop power supply is constant voltage the voltage can't drop and the current will probably rise.
The Vero 13 does run at around 32V and you could probably put 2 in parallel, but with 3 you will certainly be at risk of frying either the chips, the supply or both when the COBs start getting hot.
1 Vero 13 should be safe for your 32V laptop power supply but that's just a 15 watt light and I don't think it's really worth the trouble. And you would barely safe any money at all with it because a 500mA 20 watt LED driver doesn't cost much.
But I wouldn't risk it since those supplies aren't made for LEDs.
And a Vero 13 isn't ideal for growlights either way when you can have the 18 and 29.
And you should take that last paragraph with a grain of salt because I haven't tested it myself.
Can't guarantee even 1 Vero 13 would be safe.
Constant voltage supplies give all kinds of complexities to LEDs.