Is putting ice in a bong better or worse for your health?


I have been a bong smoker for years, but only recently have been icing my bongs. I have noticed that when i put ice in, the bongs get dirty fast!! as if the resin is getting stuck on the sides. but also find that there is more on my my lungs? is more generally going directly to my lungs when its warmer? Anyone else see this or am i just crazy?
I have been a bong smoker for years, but only recently have been icing my bongs. I have noticed that when i put ice in, the bongs get dirty fast!! as if the resin is getting stuck on the sides. but also find that there is more on my my lungs? is more generally going directly to my lungs when its warmer? Anyone else see this or am i just crazy?

I don't know for sure, but ice in my bong seems to make it smoother.
Its definitely not as harsh and i dont get the burn in the back of my throat, but thinking about it.... i'm going to take a hit without ice- then take napkin and wipe lips......then ice hit-take a napkin and check.... ill check back in with the this is science!! lol
think of how vapors in a still are condensated back into a liquid.. they go through a chilled chamber so that they can cool off and the atoms aren't excited in the same way so the substance turns back into liquid form.

the same thing happens with smoke. the colder the surfaces are that the smoke passes over the more things will condense out of it, leaving behind the residue that your seeing. ever notice you have to clean your carrying pipe more in the winter time? thats why.
I hate ice water bongs. Taste isnt as strong and you eventually get a dry rasp in the throat mostly because the oils and shit isnt making it to your lungs before it cools down. You will notice it if you smoke alot. The bong gets more dirty because the smoke cant travel as far when the water is ice cold.
So i'm confused now.....What's the conclusion? Because i don't find i get "Less" high when i smoke with ice. To SPLFreak808 point, i totally agree that if you smoke a lot with ice, your throat with get raspy and its uncomfortable. The bong will get dirtier than normal.....But is that not a good thing? More shit on the bong then in my lungs + im not getting less stoned. So Ice is good every once and awhile, but if smoking on the reg, use regular water no ice.
So i'm confused now.....What's the conclusion? Because i don't find i get "Less" high when i smoke with ice. To SPLFreak808 point, i totally agree that if you smoke a lot with ice, your throat with get raspy and its uncomfortable. The bong will get dirtier than normal.....But is that not a good thing? More shit on the bong then in my lungs + im not getting less stoned. So Ice is good every once and awhile, but if smoking on the reg, use regular water no ice.

I think you have to decide for yourself. If I want to really taste weed, I roll a joint. I also have a couple vaporizers. Bongs are kind of '70's...been there, done that.
I have been a bong smoker for years, but only recently have been icing my bongs. I have noticed that when i put ice in, the bongs get dirty fast!! as if the resin is getting stuck on the sides. but also find that there is more on my my lungs? is more generally going directly to my lungs when its warmer? Anyone else see this or am i just crazy?

try it with hot water too. let us know.
hahah Nasty! fuck that!... True Conclusion: Ice bong =Better for health (but can't over use).....No Ice = More shit in lungs, better taste.....Hot water = Fucked!