Aviars Closet Grow - back on my grind


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Aviars Grow Log
Ive completed 1 table and have the other table started. I really needed to get the ladies off the floor because its been gettin into winter here and the floor is really cold. I got my 2 gallon gro bags and I can fit 25 on the table. Its not the perfect table but should work very good for my needs. Its gonna be a little trial and error but im ready for the work. I wanna grow some real dank buds on the regular. I hope that I can start to breed a little too. I am completely a newb so it might take me a while but no better time than now to figure this shit out.
I had to pull the Widow clones because I realized after reading some more that i had waterlogged them in the rockwool. I took them out and they were just brown with now roots started after 9-10 days. I have a bubble cloner setup that I will get going in the next weekend and start my hand at mastering cloning. Its a must, i cant keep spendin money on seeds. lol even though its soo fun. I got Kannabia Queso fem, Seedsman JungleWreck reg, which came with a ton of freebies after the black friday deal and regular promotions. I ended up with 10 reg seeds and 19 fems for 60 bucks. I hope that the queso or the seedsman cheese freebie is what ive been looking for as far as a really "skunk" odor. I dig the flavor of the Lemon and the Blueberry is very nice but still doesnt have that punch in the face skunk smell that i really want.

Heres the cooltube room now

the hood room with the finished table.

some of the seedsman skunk #1. it has a sweet smell not a skunky smell



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Aviars Grow Log
I mixed up my soil today and I actually kept track of what I put into it exactly this time.
- 10 gallons Fox Farms Ocean Forest
- 10 gallons Botanicare Aeration Coco mix
- 5 gallons Large Perlite
- 2 cups dolomite lime
- 2 cups epsom salt
I transplanted 2 of the blueberry seedlings into the 2 gallon bags with the new soil. Im still unsure if I like the bags. I think ill like them after i get used to moving them by grabbing the bottom. I have to be careful when moving them or the soil kinda shifts around. I also moved one more GG kush into flowering and the Blueberry. I also seperated the white widow its for sure a male. I kinda wanna keep it and make some seeds with a blueberry female just for fun. I have to set up mother room soon and i think that might be a good spot to throw it.

the veg room with 2 Special Kush #1 - 2 GG Kush - and the 6 BB seedlings 3 White Widow seedlings.

widow male


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Aviars Grow Log
I made myself a little mother plant and clone area. I got my bubble cloner working. I would like to add another couple airstones in it but it hopefully will work for now. I have 6 GG kush clones. 2 of them are 8-9" clones so im hoping they are female. I also cut 2 Special Kush #1 clones. I put the Male Widow in the area as well. I wanna attempt to collect the pollen and breed it.

heres a couple pics right before lights are comin on



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Aviars Grow Log
I transplanted the little seedlings to 2 gallon bags and one of the Blueberry into a 5 to be a mother plant.

I think i have a PH issue im not sure I havent fed them anything and its in FFoF and Perlite.


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Aviars Grow Log
I took the other GG Kush and put it into the flower room. It looks like its gonna be a male. So i have 1 male, 1 female, and 1 unkown ( looks identical to female the whole grow) hopin its female too. The 2 Special Kush #1 are starting to get decent size I will probably let them grow another 5-6" before flipping them. The 2 skunks and 1 Lemon kush is getting closer to harvest. I think they are probably about 2-3 weeks from done. The Seedlings are doing well. I feel like the cloner is working but im only 4-5 days from starting the cuts up so I just hope they root. I need to get this cloning thing going if Im gonna utilize my space. The male White Widow is doing well it still has a bit before its balls start opening up.

the GG Kush is looking very healthy :weed:

a lower bud of the Lemon Kush


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Aviars Grow Log
I officially have 2 GG Kush females. The two identical ladies both have hairs showin. I did some LST to them to get a little more light into the middle. They are stout plants and very fast growing. The seeds came from a plant that has been grown outdoors for a couple years now. I think the 3rd one in the flower room is a male. I would be very happy if it is. I will definitely keep some pollen from it if it is.

the seedlings are lookin good

I blacked out the top of my cloner it was shining through pretty bad. 1 of the 4 gg kush has a little root poppin and another 1 looked pitiful so i threw it out. i need more airstones i think. I also practiced a little super cropping with the male i have in there


Well-Known Member
Aviars Grow Log
I had to redo my table. It was leaking in a couple spots so I just took the liner out and rubber sealed the whole table. Hopefully that works now. I cant wait to fill it with 2 gallon bags and water and walk away. I might eventually do a drip system but for now I gotta stop spending money on my hobby :bigjoint:

heres a pic of the plants all together in the other room. The GG Kush is the fastest and most solid stalk that ive grown yet. Im excited to see the flowers, hopefully it doesnt dissapoint

I topped off the 2 gallon bags with a little perlite. I like how it looks and since I did it ive noticed very few gnats


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Aviars Grow Log
I had to fix my cloner today. I had super glued the stones to the bottom and they came unglued. I went and got two 10" airstones and used another pump for the smaller two 5" airstones. instead of trying the glue again I just got some aquarium gravel. I have quite the bubbles now.
one of the GG Kush clones has a root but no other signs on the others. I ended up taking 5 clones from one of the Special Kush #1 plants. I also put them both into Flower, they were tall enough and plenty ready.

the veg room is looking good

flower room is a little crowded until I can harvest the 3 ladies that are almost done.


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The Room is getting full. Im still waiting on my black friday purchase of seeds. I got a couple weeks max left on the other 3 plants in there. The GG kush is so amazing so far. it has fat stems and branches and I hope it fills out nicely

I will be topping a few of these tomorrow


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I had to take the table and put it up on its side. The GG Kush has gotten much bigger than I expected and is still stretching. I also havent got my Seedsman order. Im kinda bummed and worried I have got my orders in 5-6 days after dispatch its been 9 now. I planned on doing a SOG but im not cloning at the rate I wanted and I havent got those beans so I will probably just run a few of the Queso when I get them and I might also run one of the Diesels I got because Ill have time to finish it. I dunno ive gotta sit and chill and figure out what i wanna do.

heres the flower room now.

I also topped 4 Blueberrys and will most likely top the other 2 and the 3 White Widows tomorrow.


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I decided to take down all of the panda film I could. I was having a couple spots that were falling down. I had some flat white paint so i decided to just paint it. I like it better now it feels cleaner now.
My cloner is working :cool:. i got 4 clones with roots now. I hope that I can really get going with my clones. Ill take some pics a little bit later today. I also chopped down one of the skunks.


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Ive given up hope on the seedsman order getting here any time soon. I will train the BB and Widows a little and flip when they are 14-16" tall. I plan to take clones from all them before i flip. I have a few clones now with some roots. I got a few more days until i put them into cups, I think?

im happy about these 2, they are about 10" clones

Heres a few pics of the Flower room

a little GG Kush flower poppin

thanks for checkin out my journal. feel free to ask any questions or please give me advice as well. bongsmilie


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Not a ton to report but ill throw some pics up. I took the White Widow male down it had balls poppin so i picked off a bunch into a jar and chopped it. I put the first clone into a a solo cup with coco.

heres the jar of WW pollen pods

GG Kush Male

The ugly skunk is poppin seeds. Which makes me kinda happy. gonna let it finish until seeds are ready

veg area

GG Kush #3 - day 21 since flip

Blueberry 1-05 - day 17 since flip

the GG Kush clone in some coco now

some of the Skunk thats almost dry enough for jars. has such a sweet smell



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Ive decided to still attempt a SOG of sorts. I started germinating 14 lemon kush seeds I had and 1 BB and 1 Chupacabra. Im realizing that my cloner is gonna work going forward and I will have a lot girls to fill my room. I am keeping 1 BB mother plant and plan on making a mother plant of the GG Kush from one of the clones. I potted one of the big GG Kush clones into a 2 gal bag. Ive got another 4-5 that will be ready in the next few days. :bigjoint: The Lemon Kush isnt my favorite strain but a couple phenos have been good. The one that im about to take down looks really good so im hoping i get lucky.
Im a little nervous about flipping with them only being 5-6" tall but the GG kush, BB and Special Kush #1 should suffice if it doesnt turn out.
This also means that im probably gonna end up with a little better setup in my clone/veg area. I will probably eventually get a 4ft T5 and ditch the DIY CFL fixtures i made.


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Heres a couple pics of the room combined. now i have some work to make the veg area suitable. I put that scrog net over the Special Kush #1. Im excited for it to fill in.



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I just checked on my room when I woke up to realize I forgot to switch the timer back on and the cooltube was on all night. I just turned it out so the plants are only gonna get about 3 hours of night. I hope that it doesnt mess with them too much