About fragrances..


New Member
I'm thinking about growing indoor on a pc box,
one of my dilemmas is the fragrances of the plant..
There is something I can do on a pc box to reduce it?
I'm very afraid that one of my neighborhoods will smeel this



Well-Known Member
If you can run your pc box to another box that contains a separate fan and carbon filter.


Well-Known Member
just one plant shouldn't be too bad. Once flowering you may have to do something but I really don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Get a bunch (10+) of stray cats.

Then your place will smell like a bunch of cats instead of weed


Active Member
the strength of the smell is determined by the strains your running . im doing a grape gum that has a very faint fruity smell to it in full bloom. if you r running anthing OG or any diesels you r in trouble my friend. i got a mexican brick bagseed in my tent that is only a week in flowering that smells just like gasoline so i would say the fragrances given off by cannabis is strain based . Remember not all strains give of the typical skunk odors just most of them try grapegum by ripper seeds its killer with a really sweet smell or blueberry by dutch passion .


Well-Known Member
A jar of Ona Gel is good to have as a backup. Open it when you have to work on your plants, or if a landlord has to come in. Carbon filters are your first line of defense. But, sometimes it's not enough. Ona really works, it binds with odors. In fact, don't keep it in your grow room. When I first used it I left it uncapped constantly near the tent. The buds had a slight wintergreen taste from the Ona (Polar Ice, was the scent I used. Linen scent is good too.).

As it evaporates you can rehydrate it with distilled water. At some point you have to add some concentrate back into it.

It's the best insurance if you're paranoid.


Active Member
yeah ona works for most strains but nycd and a really pure AK will drown the ona and your filter nycd has been known to penetrate walls bro but ona definetly works for medium to medium high stinky strains but pure mexican sativa will fade all that shit trust stick to hybrids you will be fine but if u like to tame wild landrace strains like heavy then prepare for the fuel baby i love the stink especially when u open the jar and a wiff burns the nostrils a bit thats the true stuff


Well-Known Member
yeah ona works for most strains but nycd and a really pure AK will drown the ona and your filter nycd has been known to penetrate walls bro but ona definetly works for medium to medium high stinky strains but pure mexican sativa will fade all that shit trust stick to hybrids you will be fine but if u like to tame wild landrace strains like heavy then prepare for the fuel baby i love the stink especially when u open the jar and a wiff burns the nostrils a bit thats the true stuff
For something that small you can just use a home air purifier that has a carbon filter along with a hepa filter for dust. All you have to do is put somewhere nearby in the room. In fact, to avoid buying a whole air purifier, which tend to be noisy, I just bought the filter cartridge, which is about 3"x9"x1", and fixed it to the front of a regular home fan with a bungi cable thing with hooks on each end that I guess is used for holding stuff down. I used one of those Honeywell 9" fans that are black and look like a jet engine. They're pretty common. The filter only covers half the fan so the bottom part just moves air around but you could cover it with cardboard and tape or something if you just wanted the filter part to be putting out air. I used this one, works pretty good. The hepa part will help remove any mold spores which may be in the air too.