The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh that's shit with ya family dude but that's the main reson no fucker knows I'm doing it I just play the middle man I'm like I know someone who's gots x a mont of ssh for 220oz


Well-Known Member
I don't know if to get 4x 24w CFl of one 125w just for a few clones cos I wouldn't be able to cool a 400w mh in a 600x600 tent


Well-Known Member
Not got the money yet m8 just had to clear my £355 court fines to stop it going to the enforcement stage with another £235 put on top lol it's only for a few clones my 1.2 tent is coming up to 4 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
I don't know if to get 4x 24w CFl of one 125w just for a few clones cos I wouldn't be able to cool a 400w mh in a 600x600 tent
I've a 250w cfl in my small tent, think it's a bit bigger than 60x60, maybe 80x80 or something.....was an odd size, had to search like fuck to find the right tent for the space, all it's for is mother and clones. Goina go today an see how the GG is doin in it, ain't seen it in over a week


Well-Known Member
Yeh sounds good the thing is I wants it now lol 3ch don't stock the 250w by me and the other shop I use wants about £47 for it lol


Well-Known Member
I use similar 600w ones. Have done for years. Should probably change them but they do their job..
Cool man it's only to get me thought to feb I've git a spear male to female light extension lead so I'll cut that in half then light and power will be sorted


Well-Known Member
If u was to open a ballest probably what's in side it any way with a small PC fan cooling it lol just been in to flower room to change my bulb to a 2000k and the one I took out was like someone had tint round it


Well-Known Member
Fuck knows you ph after adding nutes so dont matter lol, had a new cut land last night from the states..........G13 muthafunksters was sent in a cloneshipper right good bit of kit for long hauls its got 2 little led lights in the top
Fuck, I've seen some containers for shipping clones in but never seen one with lights ffs, quality