Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

Just wanted to say merry Christmas and good to see you still going.
Yo Bro! Thanks for the great post!!! I really appreciate you taking time to help. I've been riding at Meadows since 1989 although it hasn't snowed for shit the last couple of years. I fucking love snowboarding! I've been working so much lately I don't know when I'm going to get a chance to go up. It's been dumping too!

Keep up the great work!!!

Glad to share my experiences, even though I feel kinda stupid for how long my post was. Thanks for your positive feedback. I am just stoked with the set up and thanks again for sharing.

Hood is a amazing mountain, community, and gathering place for all snowboarders. I spent summers on hood at the camps for 15 years. Its been a long time since I have ridden at Meadows (I am thinking circa '99 Vegitate, haha), and I miss riding there a lot. I can't complain though because the mountains are epic where I am these days. Although the past few seasons have blown here too.

Quick question, are you still running Botanicare with 1000 ml of PBPG, 175 ml of LK, and 250 ml of Cal Mag? I have had good luck with Silica Blast, but its a bitch to add since you cant add it to the poop soup because it coagulates, then once you add the mix to your desired ppm and ad the Silica, it always brings up the ppm a few hundred, so there is always guess work to get it where you want it. Just wondering if you are experienced with it at all and if using it is really helping me thicken up stalks and encourage the thrive as much as I think, or if I am just wasting my time and money.

Also, sorry to bug you with a noob q, but do you think I should worry about the lights on my co2 controller possibly herming my plants, or "I am I just paranoid, or am I just stoned?" -GD... sorry, had to do that.

SB, you're the boss bro, get out there and take some turns. I am sure that the shop can run itself as long as the people you hired are not smoking on the job too much, hehe. Rest assured that next time I am in OR I will be stopping by the shop to pick up some Stink Buds. Holler at me if you want to hit up some big boy mountains up north one day.:lol:
can anyone help with my predicament. i dont have the funds yet to get toys for my environment, right now im relying on the outside temps to cool my room, so obviously i dont have much control over the changes im experiencing. i would like to know what is more important, or what would you choose for the time being. AorB
A) if i do not bring in air from outside my room temp sits around 86 and my humidity around 50%
B) when i do bring in air my temp goes anywhere from 73 - 82 but usually im below 80, my humidity however goes to 20% and never gets above 45%
lights off however the shit has gone as high as 70%(still not sure why, aside from my humi getting full and stopping which doesnt happen as fast when i dont bring in air)
my plan was to let a nice cold winter cool my garden, so i waited for this time of year to start. this winter however has decided not to show up... and my plan is fucking my nugs over. my last run was fluffy and light, still does the job but not what we are aiming for here!
@sky rocket @AKGrowAreo I'm feeling left out. Gotta get my hands on some Kandy Kush seeds. Heh
Join the party @letdown shifty . Supposedly huge yields.

I got mine from TSSC (The Single Seed Centre) and they were discreet and 100% of my other seeds from them have popped quickly. Be interesting if we all ordered them from different website and start them at the same time in our similar @StinkBud systems to compare them as they grow and the finished product. Hmmm?
Join the party @letdown shifty . Supposedly huge yields.

I got mine from TSSC (The Single Seed Centre) and they were discreet and 100% of my other seeds from them have popped quickly. Be interesting if we all ordered them from different website and start them at the same time in our similar @StinkBud systems to compare them as they grow and the finished product. Hmmm?
I ordered mine from either choices/attitude. If i start mine it will be probably in the beginning of January because I just started Day1 of my raredarkness boys and girls (pheno hunting). As soon as the raredarkness is done I want to try to have my kandykush vegged and ready for flower.
I've been fighting PH fluctuations for over the past week, so frustrating and plants are showing signs of being unhappy. From thinking over what's been newly introduced, I've come to the conclusion that the local hydro shop sold me a gallon of shit Ph down. I'd take it back to them, but they closed their doors 2 weeks after I bought it. Going to find out where the owner lives and throw it on his porch.
I've been fighting PH fluctuations for over the past week, so frustrating and plants are showing signs of being unhappy. From thinking over what's been newly introduced, I've come to the conclusion that the local hydro shop sold me a gallon of shit Ph down. I'd take it back to them, but they closed their doors 2 weeks after I bought it. Going to find out where the owner lives and throw it on his porch.

Yo @letdown shifty - Fluctuating up or down?

I have great luck with GH PH down, but I still get a slow climb in PH no matter what I mess with for a few days after a res change, then it will level out. I ph to between 5.6 and 5.8 and 24 to 48 hrs later it will climb to around 6 to 6.2. My understanding is that the Silica Blast that I use increases PH gradually for a few days then mellows out. I have learned to live with it since I have never seen any plant problems caused by PH in this system.

Eventually I will buy one of these for each res so I can have a constantly dialed PH in all res'. http://www.amazon.com/Bluelab-Contr...74270&sr=8-1&keywords=blue+lab+ph+controller . Anybody have experience using them?
@AKGrowAreo I typically use GH brand also. But was in a pickle, and needed something quick. So bought all he had left. Which was Nectar of the gods brand, which I'm sure is good stuff. My guess is it just sat on his shelf for a long time before he eventually shut his shop down for good. Putting that in my reservoirs causes them to fluctuate up and down. I've got them all in check right now using Nutes and my GH ph up.
I feel I completely wasted money on the blue lab res monitor. Never trusted it and the handheld Milwaukee is much faster to respond

Thanks @superstoner1 ! You are a badass grower, and Stoked to see you posting again. I almost dropped the loot on 3 of them the other day so I am glad I did not.

What kind of Nute regiment are you running these days? I think that is the only part of my system that isn't fully dialed. I have read all your threads and posts that I could find and I have printed off a nute schedule of yours from a long time ago, but I'm wondering if you have since adjusted, simplified, or added anything. You seem to be the resident Nute expert around here so any advise would be much appreciated.
@superstoner1 bought a digital ph meter, can't find myself to trust it. I'm still using General Hydroponics test drops. I know, I have trust issues.

I have one of these and its actually really accurate. http://www.amazon.com/Bluelab-pH-Pe...id=1450481433&sr=8-1&keywords=blue+lab+ph+pen but it took me a while to trust it, so I used test strips along side of the pen for 30 days and it was always right on. Now I love the pen. I calibrate it monthly to be safe.

The one I was asking about above continually monitors the PH and automatically doses it up and down as needed. I just don't know anyone who has used one of them.
@AKGrowAreo my single photo I took today of the flowering (Day5). Smell is starting, but no visible hairs yet.

View attachment 3567381-Shifty
Is your new growth a little lighter green now that you are in flower? BTW what is that strain again? Mine definitely lighten up like that the first few days of flower too. I have been increasing my Botanicare PBP Bloom in the poop soup to try to green them back up a bit.