
Well-Known Member
Thanks I tried the freezer it didn't work for me. Fridge sounds better.
I have no experience with the freezer myself but I read somewhere when freezing the pollen, after you take it out of the freezer you must let it reach room temperature before opening the container to prevent condensation on the pollen itself.

Might be something to consider for future attempts.


Well-Known Member
That's all I do,if I find a male from some genetics I like,and it's no females around that I think would go good with t h e male genetics,I'll store his pollen till the right female comes along.
That's exactly my situation.
I convinced a friend to buy a bunch of gear, he usually throws out the males but instead this time he put them in a separate area and put those clear bread bags around em and left them.
The other day I went over and flipped one upside down and shook it and the bag was coated in pollen.
I did it to three dif strains and put em into pill jars.
Should be a fun mix later


Well-Known Member
Good stuff here. +1 to all contributors.

EDIT: @torontoke - how do you get a bread bag - max 6 in square - over a flowering male? Do you strip the fans?
They were those clear bags they have in the grocery store for buns and bread.
We jus slid them over the top and on some of the larger branches.
Buddy got the idea from YouTube.
We couldn't think of any other way to collect the pollen without it getting mixed up.
They weren't really large males either. Maybe 5 weeks of veg before they were flipped.

v.s one

Well-Known Member
I have no experience with the freezer myself but I read somewhere when freezing the pollen, after you take it out of the freezer you must let it reach room temperature before opening the container to prevent condensation on the pollen itself.

Might be something to consider for future attempts.
I tried it and female still didn't take it up. I'm going to try gens way sounds idiot proof.


Well-Known Member
On that freezing question, I've tried a few different ways. If it's short term like a couple of weeks I keep it in the fridge. Longer term I've successfully pollinated with 4 month old pollen that I had frozen mixed with flour, mainly to capture any moisture than anything else. I throw the bag with the pollen/flour mix (typically about 4:1 flour/pollen ratio but I don't measure it, just eye it) into a mason jar filled with rice. When I tried some 6 month old pollen frozen this way I only got a couple of seeds so right now I only count on it 4-5 months. That said I haven't tried enough (frozen) strains to know for sure. I take it out and let it sit in a dark spot for ~24 hours before using it when it's frozen. Right now I have a male that I really liked the smell profile but haven't popped any seeds, if it's good I want to keep it so I'm just keeping it going by cloning. I can keep it between clone and a 1gal for several weeks, then clone it again, repeat cycle :)
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