Help with full melt please?

I am new to this site and this is my first post. I have made 4 attempts recently at creating ice water hash in the hope it would be full melt. The material I used each time was top shelf. The problem is no matter what bubble bag I gather the material from it is not full melt. I use all the bags, 220, 190, 160, 120, 90, 73,45 and separate each from the other, let them dry and then try it out. It is good but every time it just burns and turns to an ash charcoal.??? I have watched countless videos and tutorials on how to do this properly. Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a washing machine or hand wash? Most of the time the melt quality is determined by the quality of product you use, some strains are more bubbly and melty than others. Make sure you microplane and properly dry/cure your hash.


Well-Known Member
^^^^ he asked for full melt help...

Use Ro or distilled water and make your own ice with same water. Make sure the water is below 40 degrees. And the room is 60 degrees or below. Heat and humidity / moisture is the enemy of trichomes.

You want more water than ice. As so to be gentle

First do a pre rinse . Dunking the work bag with material in the bag, in the cold water for 30 seconds. This removes any particulates on the material. Makes for better hash discard that water and fill the machine or buckets with new water and ice. Use new water and ice each wash. You don't want to reintroduce any contaminants back into the hash.

Then before running soak fresh frozen for 5 min . Dry for 20 min. As long of you planning on running dry. Cure it for a couple months first so the terpenes polymerize.

Get a portable washing machine. Wash for 5 min with fresh frozen and 3 min for dry then drain right away.

If you can't afford one just use a wooden spoon and stir by hand. Then just put the work bag in one bucket. And all the other bags in another bucket.

Be very gentle. That is the key. If you are too rough you will get a bunch of plant matter in your hash .

Wash fresh frozen for 5 min. Each wash. Dry trim for 3 min.

Once you have drained each bag. Place onebag in the bucket. Pull the screen up then use a pump sprayer and spray the trichomes with ro water to clean the trichomes. Then wick some moisture out. Repeat with eachbag. This removes any macro plant matter and particulates and chlorophyll.

Then place the patties on the blotting screen on a towel and place either in wood drawer, pizza box, wine cooler fridge or a cold room.Below 60 degrees. Dry for 6 hours. Place patties in the freezer for an hour. Take outmicroplane ( grate) patties over raw parchment paper on baking sheets. Thendry for a week in either a wood drawer, pizza box in a cold room or wine cooler fridge . To prevent oxidation. And keep it full melt. Then cure in the same environment for 5 weeks. Then it will remain stable and not cake out
^^^^ he asked for full melt help...
Thanks for your advice, I will give it a try.

Use Ro or distilled water and make your own ice with same water. Make sure the water is below 40 degrees. And the room is 60 degrees or below. Heat and humidity / moisture is the enemy of trichomes.

You want more water than ice. As so to be gentle

First do a pre rinse . Dunking the work bag with material in the bag, in the cold water for 30 seconds. This removes any particulates on the material. Makes for better hash discard that water and fill the machine or buckets with new water and ice. Use new water and ice each wash. You don't want to reintroduce any contaminants back into the hash.

Then before running soak fresh frozen for 5 min . Dry for 20 min. As long of you planning on running dry. Cure it for a couple months first so the terpenes polymerize.

Get a portable washing machine. Wash for 5 min with fresh frozen and 3 min for dry then drain right away.

If you can't afford one just use a wooden spoon and stir by hand. Then just put the work bag in one bucket. And all the other bags in another bucket.

Be very gentle. That is the key. If you are too rough you will get a bunch of plant matter in your hash .

Wash fresh frozen for 5 min. Each wash. Dry trim for 3 min.

Once you have drained each bag. Place onebag in the bucket. Pull the screen up then use a pump sprayer and spray the trichomes with ro water to clean the trichomes. Then wick some moisture out. Repeat with eachbag. This removes any macro plant matter and particulates and chlorophyll.

Then place the patties on the blotting screen on a towel and place either in wood drawer, pizza box, wine cooler fridge or a cold room.Below 60 degrees. Dry for 6 hours. Place patties in the freezer for an hour. Take outmicroplane ( grate) patties over raw parchment paper on baking sheets. Thendry for a week in either a wood drawer, pizza box in a cold room or wine cooler fridge . To prevent oxidation. And keep it full melt. Then cure in the same environment for 5 weeks. Then it will remain stable and not cake out


Well-Known Member
any luck yo?
with my bubble that wasnt bubbling i made rosin out of it.
if you dont like smoking the non bubbling bubble; i would recommend that.
cant stop pressing it into rosin lol.
Well, I am out of material now, but what I did try was to microplane the last batch- It was from the 73 and the 45 bag. It is not full melt but it is pretty good. Next time I get material, probably next week I will follow the recommendations and see how it goes. I will let you know. I am going to try to make rosin out of what I have left.


Well-Known Member
righteous. hyroot instructions should def net you some bubble.
were you using all one strain to run as well; or various different strain batches?
you can definitely make some potent bubble hash that just doesn't melt; depending on oils and terps with individual strains
I have tried a few different strains, and mixed strains together but no melt. I have only tried bubble bag a few times so I am probably doing something wrong- I am using all dried bud, top shelf.


Well-Known Member
no doubt. you will get it down!

some things that i think really helped me were mixing the 220 bag in a separate bucket; then having the others set up in a different bucket.
* also in the work bag i put a layer of ice down until the micron screen is covered; then add some water . this helps as another floating layer for contaminants. then just layer ; trim/bud; more ice; back and forth all the way to the top.

i personally use alot of ice; because it will melt into water regardless ; so i would rather start with more ice. though sometimes i do end up with too much water lol; depending on temps and how long i take. i also re run my water and haven't noticed any decrease in run quality. honestly; sometimes my 3rd or 4th run will bubble more than my first.

i only hit the first run real gentle for like 5 min
then the next 2 a bit harsher and for like close to ten
4th or 5th run i can beat up pretty hard and sometimes still get good bubble
i guess i let it sit a bit longer on the later runs. always good to experiment for what works with you. once you find that strain that really melts; work it until you know how each bag does with it.
seems like the colder the day; the better the bubble will come out to. definitely good to have everything as cold as possible.

out of all the strains i ran this year; only 1 was pretty melty and i was pretty pleased. still probably only half melt though. not the highest quality trim; and i didnt fresh freeze though. or it could of been full melt. definitely seems like the guys getting the melt pull nugs off plants; freeze immediately; then run within a few days for top results. full melt really is an art.


Well-Known Member
It's all in the gland head and how well you isolate them. Either they are immature glands, poorly grown or simply non melty genetics. Or you failed to isolate the heads from the trash.

What bags are yielding for you? Most of the time your full melt will be in the 73/90 and 120 bags. But of course you can get great melt from 45 and 160 as well.

Are you using a pressurized spray bottle to wash your glands? The spray bottle should help push through contaminant while leaving just heads in the catch bag.


Well-Known Member
Making good bubble comes from a lot of practice, experience and good product. If you are lacking on one of those three you might not get bubble as good as you would like it, but its still smokable and gets you high so just keep at it and eventually you will get better.


Well-Known Member
I made my first bubble in 2003. I started doing the ice wax method about 4 years ago. I'm still learning things. Usually what I learn now is when I accidentally do something and it either benefits me or it screws me.

For one I always used more ice than water. That's was rize said to do in his tutorial. Frenchy says more even amounts. If the water is cold enough you don't need any ice. A while ago I was running low on ice. I stocked tons of water in the fridge. I used mostly cold water and little ice. I ended with best bubble I had ever made. Smaller yield but man it was so good.

Then about 5 months ago. I ran out of space to dry the bubble. I was running mine and a few other growers in the same week. I ended up emptying my cedar wood dresser. Used the drawers as drying racks. That ended up being the best drying method ever. Once dry. The bubble still looked like white china. No oxidation at all. Cedar is the best wood to use for worm bins because it keeps the moisture levels perfect. So same idea I guess with hash. It worked just as well as a wine cooler fridge but dried faster in the dresser. Curing in the dresser seems to work well too. Bubble stabilizing faster too.

One of these days I'll get a freeze dryer.
Thanks for all the good advice! I can not wait to try it again, probably right after new years, I will let you know how it goes.
Another thing, I am currently not able to grow my own, so I have been having to buy flowers then turn into hash. I hope to grow my own soon and hopefully get better results with fresh frozen and all the advice provided