The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh I loves all most foods m8 I was out in Malaysia for a year a few years ago fucking loved it all the curries and the rice and that was banging
Hit the nail on the head mate! Malay food is my favourite, even more than Thai, Indian etc.

Did you eat Roti Canai? I became addicted to that in KL. Also the chicken satay and fish in Banana leaf.

There is a fantastic Malaysian restaurant in the Edgware Rd/ Paddington area if you need one!

However like you said, London is a big shit hole. That's why I prefer it here obviously. Hope your grows going well mate. My friend is about to cut for NYE.
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Well-Known Member
going down to london 2mora for crimbo theres a banging turk restaurant nearby all cooked on the charcoal fire thingys they dont even do donner meat lol its just a English/western thing place is the nuts tho some lovely meats n i love that turk tea in the lil glasses.
Alright lad. Some great Turkish places on Green Lanes. Use to go to a place with the charcoal vibe going on.

And agreed, Malaysian food is the nuts. The first language I spoke was Malay. I grew up Borneo and spent most of my time with our Amah. I only know a few phrases now unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Alright lad. Some great Turkish places on Green Lanes. Use to go to a place with the charcoal vibe going on.

And agreed, Malaysian food is the nuts. The first language I spoke was Malay. I grew up Borneo and spent most of my time with our Amah. I only know a few phrases now unfortunately.
Apa kabah! That's all I know! The people were amazing and so friendly. We had an amazing time in KL and the islands. The diving was great.

Bet it was amazing growing up there. My family were in Lebanon in a Brit colony for while. You were born with the travel bug then. It's in your blood! :)


Well-Known Member
Alright lad. Some great Turkish places on Green Lanes. Use to go to a place with the charcoal vibe going on.

And agreed, Malaysian food is the nuts. The first language I spoke was Malay. I grew up Borneo and spent most of my time with our Amah. I only know a few phrases now unfortunately.
masa untuk merokok lemak seorang lelaki bahagia christmas
spent some time there myself found th whole islam thing a bit annoying so went to bali


Well-Known Member
Hit the nail on the head mate! Malay food is my favourite, even more than Thai, Indian etc.

Did you eat Roti Canai? I became addicted to that in KL. Also the chicken satay and fish in Banana leaf.

There is a fantastic Malaysian restaurant in the Edgware Rd/ Paddington area if you need one!

However like you said, London is a big shit hole. That's why I prefer it here obviously. Hope your grows going well mate. My friend is about to cut for NYE.
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Dam right I fucking tried it had it every day for breakfast with a bag of spicy sauce yeh I went to Singapore Kuala Lumpur and a few places in borneo when I was 16 I worked for a traveling fun fair and that who I went out there with


Well-Known Member
Travelling funfair lmfao, tell the truth Pompey, ur a young gypo lol
Haha nah m8 was in a lot of shut and used the Fair to get away somewhere to live and work at same time was only young so I had a new bird and most places I went to was only there 2 weeks max was only on £25 a day tho lol


Well-Known Member
Where I'm from there's a circus comes every year, one year ages ago a lad from our area ran away with them, u might know him lol. Naw fair does m8, gotta do what ye gotta do


Well-Known Member
Come on ffs, aren't u with a German bird? Aye there accents sexy as fuck if ur into men lol
Or 80s porn films......

Best phrase I learned was Tida ada wang. ....good when you are in markets with every man and their cow trying to sell you kak.