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Well-Known Member
I ph before i add nutes but even as im typing this i can see how this is wrong lol..

These plants affected are 3 diff strains but i have another 2 of diff strain again in there under same conditions, feed etc and they are fine, no probs attall
Yeah definitely wrong lol, that mg takes my ph down by .5 with a tiny pinch, cant begin to imagine what difference youll get with all that your adding.


Well-Known Member
calcium is interesting in that u need at least 5.8 in coco for uptake and at most 6.5 in soil, drop soil below 6.5 and it cant uptake cal


Well-Known Member
calcium is interesting in that u need at least 5.8 in coco for uptake and at most 6.5 in soil, drop soil below 6.5 and it cant uptake cal
Back to the drawing board then, didnt realise this because always thought soil was more forgiving, with a ph range of 6.0 to 6.9 for everything to work but will adjust everthing for nxt grow...thanks for sound advice


Well-Known Member
Hey @zeddd what's a good ph to start with in coco I did it to 6.1 and I ph'd the run off it was reading 6.4?? I'm gonna use the vitalink coco nutes...


Well-Known Member
this chart explains why some of us foliar feed cal mag when in coco/ hydro, the leaves will absorb cal mag in a broader pH spectrum than the u can run the veg plants at 6 to get em N up plus foliar then drop the pH to where u wanna be in flower, in soil ph 6.5 airate the water with an airstone so ya leaves don't droop after a feed edit..oh yeah and there is some utter bs being put around started by Cervantes that foliar feeding confuses the plants, lol they fukin love it
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Well-Known Member
Do i check soil ph via run off with water ph pen? Ive never done this.
Nah bruv, u mix your nutes then ph.if the ph is 2 high I usually add a bit more veg nutes as it drives ur ph down n I add either rizo or silica to get it back up i rarely use ph down n need to check ur run if it's silly.
When phing never go below 6.5 but 6.6 is perfectly acceptable.rememner indoor youre control everything so why not make ur shit as optimal as possible?


Well-Known Member
this chart explains why some of us foliar feed cal mag when in coco/ hydro, the leaves will absorb cal mag in a broader pH spectrum than the u can run the veg plants at 6 to get em N up plus foliar then drop the pH to where u wanna be in flower, in soil ph 6.5 airate the water with an airstone so ya leaves don't droop after a feed
Yeah b4 flip I foliar calmag n silica. Most ppl need calmag during flowering due to its corilation with the pk


Well-Known Member
No worries mate our lass is being tight on me making me use what I got first before I go changing and buying more lol though I have convinced her I need too smaller tents and have a separate veg room and a auto flower room


Well-Known Member
don't know vitalink so wont be able to help
vitalink was the first nutes I used n they were crap. I noticed a massive difference once I swith ed to canna n their mono range is a god send especially for flowering I add extra N with my feeds n they love it


Well-Known Member
No worries mate our lass is being tight on me making me use what I got first before I go changing and buying more lol though I have convinced her I need too smaller tents and have a separate veg room and a auto flower room
My missus doesn't even smoke but is very supportive with my of late I promised to make some tintures with some flavour added so she can have a few smokes as when she hits my bong so goes odd for a few hours so the pen may help


Well-Known Member
No worries mate our lass is being tight on me making me use what I got first before I go changing and buying more lol though I have convinced her I need too smaller tents and have a separate veg room and a auto flower room
well is it a 2 part feed or a one part? is it specifically for coco, 6.1 is too high imo for coco the sweet spot is 5.8 but when u get used to it u can play around with the pH a fraction only imo