Is Hillary Good Or Bad For Canna?

One thing though, the AG isn't expressly assigned by the President. Appointing an Attorney General still requires Senate Confirmation/Approval. Same goes for many federal agencies DEA, FDA, etc. Appointing people to those agencies typically requires Senate approval. As far as I understand the President has limited authority over the decisions of Federal agencies.

Clinton supports making Cannabis SII, which is an unsettling bullshit pseudo-compromise. The AG arguably does have other things to be concerned with though and the whole Cannabis thing is a clusterfuck of a situation unfortunately. The best bet is arguably state level medical, decriminalization and legalization initiatives and encourage local law enforcement to pursue matters more worthy of their attention. We could maybe fix it through Congress if we actually had a President on our side for legalization (not some Schedule II bullshit). Otherwise, considering all the States with medical cannabis laws and mounting evidence of benefits the Federal government will have to catch up eventually.

And hyroot, if you're a simpleton who can't contrive deeper meaning from a statement (especially one potentially taken out of context) I guess I can see how someone might find that silly at face value. But if you think about it what he is saying is that there is a quite a disparity there considering people with student debt have invested in their futures/careers. He isn't speaking in an overtly financial sense but is merely trying to highlight how 8 or 10% is a ridiculous rate to be paying for your education, which should arguably allow you to be able to afford a mortgage in the 1st place as well as benefit society as a whole.

Even if you wanted to be ultra-technical, student loans come from the government. The government charges higher interest rates for PLUS loans which are for graduate students, and the origination fee is also a greater percentage of the loan. The rates change every year so you may be accruing more interest on your loans from last year than you are this year or depending when they were disbursed. However, unlike a bank the government has more authority when it comes to getting their money back if the agreement fails and someone doesn't pay. The government can actually garnish your wages and seize your other property to get the money back.
Bernie with Rand as a VP in 2016, it's our only chance :bigjoint: When Occupy Wall Street meets the Tea Party?


We know whom the US Attorney's Union is backing in 2016 right ...

"the main thing i've said is not to legalize" - rend pawl
sky rocketing our national debit to 19 TRILLION dollars.

obama was handed a baseline budget with a $1.539 trillion annual deficit.

he added nothing to that. he actually slashed the deficit by over a trillion dollars, more than any other president in history.

the guy who handed him that record setting $1.539 trillion annual deficit came into office with a surplus to work with.

so all of your blame, every single last cent of it, can be squarely placed on the shoulders of the republican who preceded him, who turned a surplus into a record setting deficit.

obama and the democrats are only responsible for cleaning up the mess that you republicans left us.

end of story.
Throwing Bill and his balls into Hillary's campaign seems really really weak and desperate, gotta say.
First off the president doesn't have the power to legalize or outlaw cannabis. Regardless of if its voted on. It has to go through the congress and senate. First. It will never get ro a legalized vote as long as Mitch McConnell is head of the senate committee.

Bernie doesnt have a chance in getting the nomination. He's an idiot when it comes to economics. Fyi his salary has been paid for by taxes. His plan to give free shit to everyone will cost 18 trillion in taxes that the same people that pay for ut now will pay for it then..

The only way hillary has a chance in winning the election is if Cruz gets the republican nomination and Trump goes independent and splits the republican vote.

No one wants another democrat in office considering what a "great" job obama did.

you're only using half the story. go read his whole plan and you might just get it. no one wants another republican. we haven't recovered from the fuckin shrub yet and won't for years. anyone with any sense knows the republicans are fuckin crazy
You mean saved the auto unions through an unprecedented bankruptcy catering to that special interest. The people of Detroit and Michigan dealing with the economic aftermath would beg to differ with your sentiment.

He also "saved" the too big to fail banks and their special interests gaming Clinton's repeal of Glass Segal by sky rocketing our national debit to 19 TRILLION dollars. Glass Segal or the like have not been reinstated and the banks are still too big to fail. Ain't nothing been saved under this administration, just a bunch of cans kicked ...

the auto bailout was started by the shrub and continued under obama. there wasn't much of a choice, same with the banks. don't like it same as you but the choice was obvious and necessary.

snyder has done more to destroy michigan than either of them. you want change then shitcan the michigan republican party. they're useless
obama was handed a baseline budget with a $1.539 trillion annual deficit.

he added nothing to that. he actually slashed the deficit by over a trillion dollars, more than any other president in history.

the guy who handed him that record setting $1.539 trillion annual deficit came into office with a surplus to work with.

so all of your blame, every single last cent of it, can be squarely placed on the shoulders of the republican who preceded him, who turned a surplus into a record setting deficit.

obama and the democrats are only responsible for cleaning up the mess that you republicans left us.

end of story.
To be fair, he didn''t mention deficit, he said debt. Well he actually said debit, but we know what he meant. Obama may have cut the deficit, but what about the national debt? The amount of public debt has also almost tripled.... I served in Afghanistan and saw the Rep. shit show that is "the military industrial complex" at its finest, but to believe that Hillary, Bernie, Trump or any of these dickheads can save this country, you are far from reality. Both left and right have done nothing for over a decade but diminish what rights we have. Both parties have allowed mass surveillance on it's citizens, created instability amongst the world, and still medicare and social security suffer. Students are currently paying the highest prices for education any student has ever been faced with. Jobs are being outsourced and automated. Both parties continue to allow and support a system of government which is purely corporate interest and have done nothing to truly help. both sides are hurting us, period. Rant complete bongsmilie
I'm not for legalizing cannabis if it means giving up my other rights like the 2nd amendment....

Bottom line is we need a paradigm shift of mass proportions.

We need to realize government is nothing more than violent gangs that use force and cohersion on its own followers. If an idea or system is so great and wonderfull force and cohersion should not be needed.

I for one cannot engage in a political system that is going to perpetuate this violent racket that government is.

Just wait the Nuremburg code, the Magna Carta, the bill of rights, the constitution will all. be nullified soon enough and we will either fight or lie down to tyranny.

But hey if cannabis is legal who gives a fuck right?
Senator Obama wasn't a problem before President Obama :confused:

obama didn't add a penny to the debt though.

he has, on the other hand, reduced what wopuld have been added to the debt by trillions.

but obama has not added a single penny to the debt. your hero george w bush did.
To be fair, he didn''t mention deficit, he said debt. Well he actually said debit, but we know what he meant. Obama may have cut the deficit, but what about the national debt?

i'll say it again: obama has not added to the deficit, so he has not added to the debt.

he was handed a $1.539 trillion dollar annual deficit. he did not create that, bush did.

he did not add a penny to it either. but he has reduced it by over a trillion dollars.

the debt accumulated during obama's term was not of his creation. if obama was han ded a surplus, like bush was handed, then the surplus would be in the trillions by now.

kinda sad that wasn't the case, but blame republicans.
i'll say it again: obama has not added to the deficit, so he has not added to the debt.

he was handed a $1.539 trillion dollar annual deficit. he did not create that, bush did.

he did not add a penny to it either. but he has reduced it by over a trillion dollars.

the debt accumulated during obama's term was not of his creation. if obama was han ded a surplus, like bush was handed, then the surplus would be in the trillions by now.

kinda sad that wasn't the case, but blame republicans.
I think you are under analyzing a bit. Under the term of Barack Obama the debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $6.167 trillion, a 53% increase, in six years. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package, which added $787 billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and funding job-creating public works projects. The Obama tax cuts ADDED $858 billion to the debt over two years. Obama's budget included INCREASED defense spending to around $800 billion a year. Federal income was down, thanks to lower tax receipts from the 2008 financial crisis. He also sponsored the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was designed to reduce the debt by $143 billion over ten years. However, these savings didn't show up until the later years. To look at the deficit alone is a mistake because all Presidents can employ a sleight of hand to reduce the appearance of his deficit. They can borrow internally from other government sources. For example, the Social Security Trust Fund has run a surplus since 1987. That's because there were more working people contributing via payroll taxes than retired people withdrawing benefits. Saying Obama didn't add to the debt is false. So I say again, it's not just the Republicans fault or even just the democrats fault, it's both. If you truly believe it's only the republicans fault, you sir are part of the problem here in our country. The ongoing problem in which the higher powers that be, are separating us, which separates the votes. If would have come together years ago, weed would have been legal back in the 90's, and who knows what else could have changed. The Republicans may have bush, but the Dem's forget they've had feinstein, pelosi, reid, udall. These are not winners; these are shit-bags who have been in office way to f-ing long. Don't be such a simpleton, no one person has all the answers, so how does the democratic side only hold these answers.....
Bottom line; Obama could have done much more, but he still can hopefully. Hillary won't stick out her neck either in fear of pissing off her millionaire base. I think the only hope is legalizing in so many states that it crushes the CSA by a landslide forcing the AG and congress to exempt cannabis all together. But hell, I said it'd be legal 45 years ago so don't listen to anything I say.
Let's be real, we've got a problem in this country with career politicians. We've got a problem with career politicians shamelessly "finding" their way into the 1% and representing them as they rhetorically claim a life of "public service" while clearly peddling influence to ensure the rich get richer (especially themselves) and the middle class becomes extinct. The Clinton's wealth, power and their Clinton Foundation embody this problem (corruption) like no other in this country's history. A third term for the Clinton's aristocracy here could only be paralleled to what Putin is doing in (to) Russia ...

Open your eyes and rationalize what costs a vote for Clinton in 2016 would have on the future of this nation, because it's not just the continued criminalization of marijuana ...
Let's be real, we've got a problem in this country with career politicians. We've got a problem with career politicians shamelessly "finding" their way into the 1% and representing them as they rhetorically claim a life of "public service" while clearly peddling influence to ensure the rich get richer (especially themselves) and the middle class becomes extinct. The Clinton's wealth, power and their Clinton Foundation embody this problem (corruption) like no other in this country's history. A third term for the Clinton's aristocracy here could only be paralleled to what Putin is doing in (to) Russia ...

Open your eyes and rationalize what costs a vote for Clinton in 2016 would have on the future of this nation, because it's not just the continued criminalization of marijuana ...

I agree with all of that, but... what if it comes down to a choice between Hilary and some wing nut like Trump? Talk about an entitled 1%'er!

I hope this doesn't come to fruition, but it very well could!
I agree with all of that, but... what if it comes down to a choice between Hilary and some wing nut like Trump? Talk about an entitled 1%'er!

I hope this doesn't come to fruition, but it very well could!

I'm no fan of Trump, let that be known. Although I'd vote for him twice before ever even considering a vote for the Clinton establishment. Hate Trump and his wealth all you will, but he didn't get to where he is on the backs of the American People or claiming to be a "not for profit charity" ...
I agree with all of that, but... what if it comes down to a choice between Hilary and some wing nut like Trump? Talk about an entitled 1%'er!

I hope this doesn't come to fruition, but it very well could!

This is where my head is at exactly

We're not introducing a third party in 2016, I'm afraid. So WTF to do? Do you waste your vote on an ideology of some unheard of candidate?