Kannabia Mataro Blue and Delicious Cheese Candy Outdoor Aussie Summer


Well-Known Member
Have a couple of Mataro Blue and a Cheese Candy that have been on the balcony for a couple of weeks only getting four hours of sun a day thus a bit stretchy but I am moving into a house tomorrow so they will get a lot more sun. Pics to come. :)


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, we have had some extreme weather over 42c days here and I nearly lost the Cheese Candy and the smaller Mataro Blue in the space of two hours or something but they will recover eventually although really pissed off I burnt them. The bigger Mataro Blue came through ok and has since been topped


Well-Known Member
hey bro, that one was in the big pot and wasn't affected. The other two are very sad and have probably been put back quite a bit but they should be ok. Cuttings will be taken from the unaffected one in time
Ah ok mate, I get you. Sucks that the other two are stunted, they'll start flowering soon too. Good luck bro, hope the others come back quickly for you!