friends wierd plant that hasn't died. What's wrong?


Well-Known Member
Red stems is an indication its cold,

poor temp control.. keep it 25c/77f 24 hours if u can

flush the plant with air temp water 3 times the volume of the pot

allow to recover overnight or in a dim place

in the morning or 8 hours later feed again with 50% less nutes

no further nutes until you see a positive improvement

some calmag in 2-3 weeks will go well

good luck


Well-Known Member
Red stems is an indication its cold,

poor temp control.. keep it 25c/77f 24 hours if u can

flush the plant with air temp water 3 times the volume of the pot

allow to recover overnight or in a dim place

in the morning or 8 hours later feed again with 50% less nutes

no further nutes until you see a positive improvement

some calmag in 2-3 weeks will go well

good luck
How do you diagnose these problems? You dont know what soil its in, what size pot its in, how many bulbs are in that floro fixture, how often he waters, why the leaves are pale yellow, and yet you tell him to flush, then put it in low light, and then water again 8 hours later.
See the way to diagnose these plant problems is to get as much information out of the person with the problem as possible and then come up with a hypothesis on how to remedy the problem.
This guy for example has only fed once, no idea on what he fed it or how much. Leaves are pale and dying off at the bottom so i would ask what kind of food he fed it with and how strong of a dose he gave it, AFTER i figured out what kind of soil he had, BECAUSE if hes in coco theres going to be a very obvious answer to the problem.
Then i would find out what size light fixture hes using. If its a two bulb t12 at 10 inches away theres a problem right there, or a one bulb t5. If hes watering every day and you told him to flush and then water again 8 hrs later you just made his over watering problem worse. personally i think the plant looks under fed. Yellowing to me shows not enough food which points to one of three problems. Soil, over watering, or improper feeding.

The point is that when you go see the doctor he asks you a couple questions about why your there, then he does some tests and looks down your throat, if its not clear he takes blood and urine, and asks more questions and then when hes certain of the solution he writes the perscription. Doctors dont walk in, take one look at you, write a perscription, and then walk out without saying a word. If they could do that thered be no reason for the three waiting rooms. There would just be a lobby and a doctor would wait till its full and walk around writing perscriptions while standing on the table and make it rain like hes at the strippers.
People have real money invested in these grows. They want real answers when they come here. I applaud your effort but most of the time I disagree with your prognosis because you shoot from the hip blindly. In this case id say youre mostly right but also wrong. Red stems? I have those and my temps are fine. I agree with the needing food comment, but why would you flush a starving plant if its only gotten phd water and then you plan on feeding it? Put it in dim light? Why? That plant needs to grow as fast as possible to get that food into it. Id put it under a hid light with co2. Adding calmag? Yes, i agree.

To the poster. If you want an accurate answer you need to give more details as to the problem. Temps, lights, distance from lights to plants, water schedule, fertilizer used, soil, and on and on. All these are factors into the health of the plant and they all affect how it grows. If ones off theres different symptoms that accompany every overage or underage. And if you want an accurate diagnosis you need to give us something to work with. And the more info you give the better.