Highest you have ever been


Well-Known Member
the highest I think I ever was was the first of only 2 times I tried K We did 2 grams between 3 of us I "k holed" had a really bad trip I could not feel any part of my body and could not see even tho they said my eyes we open. Tho the second time i did it was ok but I had a 7-8 pill (XTC) buzz going ahead of time it was new years and i remember doing lines at the only coffee open at 230am January 1st we ordered food even tho 3/4 of us didn't touch a single bite but i was doing a line and as i looked up the waitress put my food an the table and laughed at me I walked down the street that night like i was walking though JELLO lol


Well-Known Member
i already posted this before but i will post it again lol. my boy had his junkie cousin from b-more in town visiting. he insisted on breaking up our weed and packing it for us. we smoke a bowl and all of the sudden i feel like i never have before. the room starts spinning and i feel like i cant breathe. i go outside to get some air(we were on a farm) and i start to get paranoid as hell. i start to wonder if i am gonna die and i got nauseous. all kinds of crazy thoughts went through my head at a 100 mph. then i hear a horse galloping in the night. for some reason in my gooned out state i start to picture the devil on a fiery horse coming to get me. this turns my stomach even more so i spew burger king like 5 feet. a couple of dudes who didnt smoke were peeking out the window laughing at me while i feel like i am dying. when i walk back inside everyone who smoked is laying on the floor and cant hardly breathe or talk. i think the weasley little fucker packed some greeners along with the weed. in fact i guarantee he packed something extra lol because i have never seen a bowl of regs destroy a house full of people like that.


New Member
ohh yea,, the lace stories... i smoked some "weed" back in my starter days that made me feel like i could feel the blood flowing through my veins, and it was orgasmic... something was funny with that weed i think


Well-Known Member
ohh yea,, the lace stories... i smoked some "weed" back in my starter days that made me feel like i could feel the blood flowing through my veins, and it was orgasmic... something was funny with that weed i think
i bought some coco-puff on accident once. i have done lines of coke in my day so it was just like an ultra sativa high. super uppy. and my entire respiratory system was numb for about an hour. pretty weird.


New Member
coco-buds you mean? a coco-puff is when you lick the end of a smoke and dip it in coke,, then you smoke it up


Well-Known Member
about the whoel laced weed thing...... when i first started smoking weed i only did it with my cousin, in his backyard (wayyy back in hgihschool) so this way my third or fourth time and he said that he got a g of some bomb ass puple shit so i was like hells yea! so wel rolled a jay and smoked it, then my whole world turned into a video game, like i smoked a ciggarette and the smoke came out all pixelated, it turned out that the weed was laced with PCP, it was the most intense psychedelic shit ever, i felt like i was 10 feet off the ground the whole time haha =)


Well-Known Member
I would beat the shit out of my dealer if he pulled that shit on me.

I want WEED. not weed with opium, not weed with pcp, not weed with coke. MARIJUANA. I found out a guy I bought from had laced a bowl once. It wasn't my weed that he'd messed with, but I never bought from him or any of his friends again. I don't want to take that chance.


Well-Known Member
i bogart'd a bowl of some CRAZY STINKY GREEN STICKY HERB after prom... and yo, that herb would not let me sleep! musta been some STRONG SATIVA cuz the girl i was with that was tellin me that i kept waking up every half hour saying some crazy shit, then fall back asleep, then wake up again... and again... you get the idea. the sex was great too.


Active Member
First time, high school, off campus lunch privilages at friends house, bong toke, and then.....

i throw up.... the best....


Active Member
on that note i guess i should throw in my first time with weed,, i was really fucked
i was smoking weed for the second time but getting high for the first ( my first smoke i just took a few puffs, dont remember feeling much) and me and my buddy were way deep into some trail and we were hitting a homemade pipe (ghetto: water bottle with a hole melted in it and some tin foil with holes,, yes this was back in the day, lol... anyways,, i was sitting on a fallen over tree and my buddy was standing and moving around slightly, he smoked a couple small bowls and was high and i could tell,,, i still fealt nothing (as i did the first time) so i continued smoking bowl after bowl untill i heat about bowl 8 and said fuck it.

and then i got up

hooooolllleeeeey fuck was i blasted! i ended up mentally greening out on the bike ride home, remembering nothing of the 30 minute trip back home... when i got home i did a full green out and passed out with this dirty ass water bottle bong on my floor... i woke up to my buddy eating all my fucking tositios
yeah my first time was just like that. i didnt know how to take a real hit so i just puffed it and fell a light buzz at that. my first real high, i barely even remember. all i remember is giggling a ton and then passing out on a bed. my guy told me i was awake for like 2 hours after we smoked tho.

my highest i ever been (probably just the environment) was when i went to this place called the wetlands. its this hella good smoking spot in this hella secluded rich neighborhood (minimum 2mil dollar houses or so) and u go back in these woods at the very back of the neighborhood. there is a trail that leads back about a mile (with about 4-5 forks in the trail) to a little dock with a railing on it that hangs over this nasty ass marsh/wetlands.

anyways, when you go there, you smoke everything you got on you, thats how chill the spot is. you do this at night time like 9:00 or later and you start to hear hella creepy noises coming from the wetlands. its fucked up and then you hear like locusts in your ears. then the journey back to the main road is hella fucked cuz it feels like its gonna take your w hole life to get back to the road. i swear i saw a pterodactyl fly over the marsh.


Active Member
i smoked some fat blunt in the woods with my friend then sat in some mcdonalds. i remember being so high that i regretted smoking so much. it was actually un-enjoyable


Well-Known Member
I just hit my glass pipe, maybe like the 3rd time I had ever smoked. So I did like 2 bowls, almost threw up so I went inside. I stripped down, hid my cloths (reaked of weed) and hopped in the shower. I was standing in the shower and I closed my eyes. I was transported to a rain forest and all the lights around me dimmed. I kept my eyes shut and stayed there for about 10 minutes and then opened them and was returned to reality....


Well-Known Member
I just hit my glass pipe, maybe like the 3rd time I had ever smoked. So I did like 2 bowls, almost threw up so I went inside. I stripped down, hid my cloths (reaked of weed) and hopped in the shower. I was standing in the shower and I closed my eyes. I was transported to a rain forest and all the lights around me dimmed. I kept my eyes shut and stayed there for about 10 minutes and then opened them and was returned to reality....

... woah LOL


Well-Known Member
I just hit my glass pipe, maybe like the 3rd time I had ever smoked. So I did like 2 bowls, almost threw up so I went inside. I stripped down, hid my cloths (reaked of weed) and hopped in the shower. I was standing in the shower and I closed my eyes. I was transported to a rain forest and all the lights around me dimmed. I kept my eyes shut and stayed there for about 10 minutes and then opened them and was returned to reality....
Woah dude, your clothes reeked? You smoked outside didnt you?


Well-Known Member
he was paranoid. cut him some slack.

i love when that happens. your mind takes you some place else.


Well-Known Member
My highest moment came about 2 weeks after i started...I went over to a friends house to do some yard work..It was my sisters best friends house(kinda like a second sis to me) she took me to the back room and brought out a bong..first one i had ever seen..i took 3 big hits of what i remember to be schwagg looking...at first i started to buzz..then i started to giggle..then i started to laugh..then i started to laugh hystericaly*..then, while im still laughing, everything got a grey hue all of a sudden..I felt like i was dreaming..everytime i said something it felt as though i had never said it..i didnt even wanna be high anymore..i still think it mighta had a little something else in it...maybe some L?

I also had the worst cotton mouth you could possibly imagine