Failed Economist Art Laffer "would be surprised if the Republicans don’t take 45, 46, 47 states"

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
Laffer is an embarrassment
Marx a GERMAN SOCIALIST and the father of COMMUNISM also a ECONOMIST is also the father of the far right ie HITLER and far left, ie MAO, STALIN ect.. As I see it from the center of the politicial curve, 180 deg. left is mao, 180 deg. right is hitler the curve continues to from a circle and the far left and far right are the two sides of the same coin from the same german socialist father carl marx. You quote both marx and a victim of his philosophy in your sig.. Do you not see embarrassment for yourself?


Well-Known Member
Marx a GERMAN SOCIALIST and the father of COMMUNISM also a ECONOMIST is also the father of the far right ie HITLER and far left, ie MAO, STALIN ect.. As I see it from the center of the politicial curve, 180 deg. left is mao, 180 deg. right is hitler the curve continues to from a circle and the far left and far right are the two sides of the same coin from the same german socialist father carl marx. You quote both marx and a victim of his philosophy in your sig.. Do you not see embarrassment for yourself?
You're confused again


Well-Known Member
I knew Laffer pretty well a number of years back. He was pretty far from brilliant. Good to see he has turned into the quintessential gad-fly. His one contribution was to put his name to a intuitive principle scrawled on a cocktail napkin.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
I knew Laffer pretty well a number of years back. He was pretty far from brilliant. Good to see he has turned into the quintessential gad-fly. His one contribution was to put his name to a intuitive principle scrawled on a cocktail napkin.
I have heard that.


Well-Known Member
Failed Economist? Good. We need to spread the word.
It's like Ramd Paul giving commentary on the that the best media can do these days?

Failed economists and failed racist plagiarizers who run a 'tier 1' campaign (Pauls words).:lol:

The lack of real news means one thing and one thing only..Sanders will be our next president and it's been accepted.


Well-Known Member
ROFL! I haven't heard a prediction that bad since MuyLocoNC predicted a 40/55 Romney win!

Hang em up Laffer, your career is over
Ah, it's nice to know I'm living in your head, rent free. Repeating the village idiot's bullshit doesn't change the fact you were proven wrong about 2014/2015 being the hottest year on record. Stiff upper lip mate, 2016 holds much promise for such claims.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Bernie recently tweeted evidence of his juvenile perception of lending.

He said there's no reason an unsecured college loan and a secured loan should have different interest rates.

Would any of the liberal scholars here (smirk) like to take a stab at why Bernie put his foot in his mouth with that one or will you just lay there seething, sticking pins in your Rob Roy voodoo dolls?

Derp dee durr.


Well-Known Member
He said there's no reason an unsecured college loan and a secured loan should have different interest rates.
The fuck?

Sky thinks that when a business gets a better rate on basically anything within the business that they should automatically transfer those savings to the customer.

Makes sense why she has a bernie boner. Some people just dont get it.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
A secured loan, like on real property versus an unsecured loan, like for a college loan are different.

One has security / collateral pledged, the other does not. The risks to the lender are different.

Bernie = Economic Bozo.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
A secured loan, like on real property versus an unsecured loan, like for a college loan are different.

One has security / collateral pledged, the other does not. The risks to the lender are different.

Bernie = Economic Bozo.
Hey Roy.

Trump is starting to include Bernie in his talking points. He asked his supporters if they want a 90% tax and they responded with, to put it nicely NO.

Who would ever want a 90% tax? I am pretty sure most of america would say no to 90% tax and that will include a vast majority of Dems and Pubs.

I hope he keeps pumping that unicorn. Can you imagine the teachers in our school system paying a 90% tax and at the same time make those kids think that they can make something of their selves? TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Hey Roy.

Trump is starting to include Bernie in his talking points. He asked his supporters if they want a 90% tax and they responded with, to put it nicely NO.

Who would ever want a 90% tax? I am pretty sure most of america would say no to 90% tax and that will include a vast majority of Dems and Pubs.

I hope he keeps pumping that unicorn. Can you imagine the teachers in our school system paying a 90% tax and at the same time make those kids think that they can make something of their selves? TRUMP!
Of course where real socialism works the tax rate is 50% as Harrekin confirmed in his country was 40-45%.

Only old men who sit on the internet all day have time to throw around falsehoods and misinformation to fit their rhetoric.

They have no time to educate themselves by reading the facts and becoming well informed voters..say isn't it time to go pick up those powerball tix at 7-11?


Well-Known Member
The fuck?

Sky thinks that when a business gets a better rate on basically anything within the business that they should automatically transfer those savings to the customer.

Makes sense why she has a bernie boner. Some people just dont get it.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Of course where real socialism works the tax rate is 50% as Harrekin confirmed in his country was 40-45%.

Only old men who sit on the internet all day have time to throw around falsehoods and misinformation to fit their rhetoric.

They have no time to educate themselves by reading the facts and becoming well informed voters..say isn't it time to go pick up those powerball tix at 7-11?
Hey Sky,

I have some good news for you. I just watched Hillary at an Iowa rally speak and the look on her face was priceless, and it could of been one of the greatest Kodak moments in modern history. I will post a link and hope you watch a few minutes to see what I seen. There is a poll with the link that has Bernie crushing her with 70% in Iowa.

I think the FBI is spinning in her head and she has a worried look on her face. At the beginning of the rally some other guy is speaking and her head was somewhere else. It could be devastating to her when she looks out at the crowd and see's a nearly empty room.

So I am going out on a limb and say that Bernie has a chance of having some new competition soon. Maybe Biden/ Warren or just Bernie. I would love a Bernie / Trump debate maybe more than Hillary/ Trump debate. Anyway check out some of this Video.
