Plant looking bad. Help please.


Well-Known Member
Strain: Automatic AK

Setup: 400watt HPS 24" above canopy, circulation and extractor fan, 10litre pots, 80x80 grow tent, growing in soil and using IONIC bloom nutrients.

Symptoms: Newest growth around buds drooping, part of leaves turning yellow, some leaves curling under.

Further information: Was fine 2,3 days ago, Waterd 4 days ago with nutes at 1/2 strength. Had to move plants into bath to get rid of run off. After I'd moved them back into the tent the one showing problems now could no longer stand up straight on its own, it seemed to be really floppy. There are no breaks or anything on it anywhere. It's the only 1 out of 4 looking like that, before this problem she was the best out of them. Leaves lower down look completely normal.

Now from what I've read it looks like possible heat stress, nitrogen toxicity, nutrient burn or a mix of all 3. But temps don't really go over 30c and it's always been consistant so not sure why she'd show heat stress now. As for the nitrogen toxicity and nutrient burn they've been at 1/2 strength nutes for a while now and been fine so can't see why that would happen now either. I've read it's normal for some leaves to yellow during flower but combined with the other signs it's really worrying me.

The pictures aren't great, But I don't want to take it out and stress it when it's already looking shitty. Also don't want to turn grow light off coz it takes a while to cool down and come back on and don't want to hermie it.


Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
And take pics when lights out or get the plant when lights come on into your room under normal house light and you will get better answer but it's just guessing game with pics being colour blind lol


Well-Known Member
Humidity is around 40% and heat around 30c during lights on. Like i stated I thought it looked like heat stress. Which I know can cause nutrient problems which would explain the other symptoms. If the temps hadn't been consistant and others displayed similar signs I'd go with that diagnosis. I've introduced a fan outside the tent to run when lights are on which should drop the temps. But is that a good idea when they've been used to being at 30c for the last 9 weeks?

I'll go get some pics now.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
If you're having heat issues I would recommend half doses.....

As a friend recently explained in hot weather think of plants as human we want more water than food, it's same with plants....

Try a watering or two with quarter doses then go to half dose every watering or if someone more experienced with heat could help you more..

and I know plants can handle heat to a certain extent I.e you need a temp of 30c to use co2....

it's the bugs that heat attracts what is gonna be an issue.

Hope it helps


Well-Known Member
Temp is a bit high. Heat stress. Add little air movement for the size tent. Are you giving any micros with the feeds? Meaning sulfur and boron and iron.
Hopefully it will improve after the next lights on with the fan outside the tent then.

No I'm just using what's in the bloom solution.


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Well-Known Member
It's so disheartening cause they all looked great in my eyes a few weeks back, this one was the best, now it looks like shit. Hopefully I'll take some good experience away from this.

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I would do straight water untill she asks for more....

I'm sorry man I can't help because it's strange I'll stick by hopefully someone can explain, and I'd like to know too lol