doublejj's next big adventure....Lone Oak Farms 2016

Cock-a-doodle-doo! Why does the rooster crow? Why does anything anything? Hmmmm that's a real question to ponder, why does anything anything?

Did you know Santa and Jesus are both fake, yet more adults believe Jesus is real than children do Santa? Why does mon do what mon do? Let mon know if u figures it out.
Why does my wife persist in choking me when we have sex ?
Does Mon really have friends or are they mon friends because mon is the man? Hmmmm well who doesn't have friends when they have herb? More herb more friends? Seems like everyone is mons friend, but almost every enemy mon has had was a friend?

Mons two best friends would be mon wife and dog.
Ive wiped 2 long term friendships cos 1..u fuck with my wife your out of my life
And 2 you stab me in the back when im not around your gone to
I can forgive but dont forget and if u fuck that first forgiveness up ill wipe you.
Ruby likes mon ..
But thats not an offer of partnership ;)