Here Is A Lesson We All Can Learn...

Rocky Top High

Well-Known Member
as soon as i read ROOR i was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smoke the pain away :leaf: i like it
Thanks for all the love everybody, it's what makes this community so cool. Also, thanks for the heads up MrFishy. I will spray on Labor Day, that will be 10 days.

I have been checking the price of a new ROOR and it appears I will have to "down size". I am a builder for a living and the economy is a bit phucked for home builders right now. Does anyone know of a good site that has some deals on glass bongs? bongsmilie

UPDATE 3: It has been 48 hours since I engaged the enemy and after 2 more hours of recon this evening I can report that not one sighting of a living enemy. :mrgreen: My plants appear to be happy and I just hit'em with a good watering of Moleasses. If I can save this crop it will offset the sting of watching my ROOR explode into a million pieces.

I have also been told that I may want to think twice about using the No Pest Strip in flower but under the circumstances, I don't see that I have a choice. It will be cold weather here in a 4-6 weeks and hopefully the evil Borg will be to busy staying warm to invade my property. At that time, I may think more about using them in flower.

The way I look at it, I breath more toxins in a single day that will do more harm than smoking some meds that have been growing near a No Pest Strip ( Dichlorvos). I also don't want to smoke Spider Mite shit and dead, rotton mites but thats just me.

Anyway, thanks again everyone for all the support. No one outside of my wife knows I grow so I needed some place to vent. Thanks for leanding me your shoulder. :peace:


Well-Known Member
No problem. I spray mine twice for eggs, but really, really don't want f'n mites and am moving outdoor potted indoors (like I do every year, this season).
So far, so good.