I guess it’s more like 14.6-14.7. That’s just the gauge in my oven, I think it also gives bar for a unit as well, which is also way to small a spectrum for accurate measurements, but I mostly just watch the extract, the little pinhead sized bubbles start to develop around -11.5-12 psi and then by the time my pump has achieved as close to vacuum as it’s gonna get the bubbles are starting to break the surface, and a few minutes later it’s purging like a MF’er.
the oven is 0.9 cubic feet and the pump is a 5cfm Robinaire, and it takes maybe 90 seconds to pull down (I am terrible with judging time

this was outdoor nug run, but it was very potent smelling, the bud was probably 5-6 months old though. I was kind of thinking it was the terps keeping it a little more gooey, but the thing that was odd, was I never reached a spot in the purge where the activity slowed down. I would let it purge under vacuum, and then the action would slow down after 12-18 hours on that side, I would take it out, set it in the freezer for 5 seconds, and then flip it. Let it sit in the oven for awhile to get back up to temp, then pull vacuum once more. And it would start right back up…my oven has a 99 hr timer on it, and I ran it all the way through, then I ran it again, from 99 down to 18 or something, it bubbled right til the end. Was I purging terps? I was under the impression that terps didn’t start boiling off even under vacuum until the low 100’s.
I do have an inline dewax, I was from -80-(-150), my temp gun doesnt go past -50, but I was using dry ice and 99.9% iso slurry.
yeah and to be honest I’m not ever mad at pull and snap, the consistency is nicer to handle for sure, but I have been really trying to get that stereotypical Swiss cheese bho shatter look of a slab, more so just to understand what I am doing and how that is translating to the extract, so that I can in the future, do what I or somebody else would like me to at will.
thank you for your time, I will try the partial vacuum gradually increasing as the purge regulates next time. I have always just had the dewaxed solvent/solute in my Pyrex from my column, then I put that in a warm water bath while my vacuum oven gets to temp. Then when the solvent/solute mixture approaches the desired oven temp, I put it into the oven and wait for maybe 3-5 minutes to make sure it’s at temp, then I pull vacuum. This is the first time I have used this oven, and it seems to be fantastic…but it is also the first time this has really happened as well, which is what makes me unsure of the whole thing.
guess I’ll just have to set up another run. Lol