EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Would you have any problem with Rob Roy fucking her as long as she gave consent?
I would have a problem with anyone deflowering my daughter before her 18th birthday, with or without her consent. I'm not religious or a prude by any measure, just an overprotective, well-armed father with a daughter on track for great things.


Well-Known Member
I was willing to listen and hear what Bernie had to say. then he released his tax plan and I was like WTF
Other than your rather tawdry attacks on sky, you seem to have a rational sense of the issues of today. So, what's your beef with the Sanders tax plan? Are there any alternatives out there that you would prefer?


Well-Known Member
Other than your rather tawdry attacks on sky, you seem to have a rational sense of the issues of today. So, what's your beef with the Sanders tax plan? Are there any alternatives out there that you would prefer?
have you not been paying attention to what I have been complaining about ? Does talking to a female online have you blinded ? come on you seem much much wiser than that ? but fair enough sometimes pu$$y can get the best of us...even poor dizzy pu$$y.
I will have this talk with you and understand this is coming from a small business man who has worked hard his whole life to save and enjoy his works. Lets start one point at a time...until I get bored or New England starts to play better.
Bernie's plan establishes four new tax brackets of 37%, 43%, 48%, and 52% .He raises the rate of all other brackets by 2.2%. The only people who would not be affected by this is a family of maybe 4 who is making less than 29,000. are you a family of 4 making under 29,000?...not the fuck me.
Do you approve of this increase ?
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nitro harley

Well-Known Member
have you not been paying attention to what I have been complaining about ? Does talking to a female online have you blinded ? come on you seem much much wiser than that ? but fair enough sometimes pu$$y can get the best of us...even poor dizzy pu$$y.
I will have this talk with you and understand this is coming from a small business man who has worked hard his whole life to save and enjoy his works. Lets start one point at a time...until I get bored or New England starts to play better.
Bernie's plan establishes four new brackets of 37%, 43%, 48%, and 52% .He raises the rate of all other brackets by 2.2%. The only people who would not be affected by this is a family of maybe 4 who is making less than 29,000. are you a family of 4 making under 29,000?...not the fuck me.
Do you approve of this increase ?
Trump will lower everyone's tax's by several percent. Next week we will see when people start voting how this might play out. Being a business man myself its kind of a no brainer. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
There needs to be more tax brackets and changes made to the tax code. I don't know your financial situation but I'm assuming this has very little negative effect on you and will be beneficial to you and yours in the long run.


Well-Known Member
There needs to be more tax brackets and changes made to the tax code. I don't know your financial situation but I'm assuming this has very little negative effect on you and will be beneficial to you and yours in the long run.
Don't assume with my money. You never answered what got you so damn excited with the Bernie video telling nothing. You try answering that.

Bernie Fans- you guys see that awesome Bernie video. It was so awesome

Common sense person- No. what was he saying

Bernie Fan- He didn't say anything. it was just music playing and crowd screaming. His wife and him were walking..it was awesome. I watched it a million times

Common sense person- :shock:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Lol... I didn't see the question.. I thought the video was great, love that song and the idea of pulling the country together n unity and making this a better place.


Well-Known Member
have you not been paying attention to what I have been complaining about ? Does talking to a female online have you blinded ? come on you seem much much wiser than that ? but fair enough sometimes pu$$y can get the best of us...even poor dizzy pu$$y.
I will have this talk with you and understand this is coming from a small business man who has worked hard his whole life to save and enjoy his works. Lets start one point at a time...until I get bored or New England starts to play better.
Bernie's plan establishes four new brackets of 37%, 43%, 48%, and 52% .He raises the rate of all other brackets by 2.2%. The only people who would not be affected by this is a family of maybe 4 who is making less than 29,000. are you a family of 4 making under 29,000?...not the fuck me.
Do you approve of this increase ?
Like it or not, we can't cut enough of our spending to redress the deficit much less retire the national debt. Practically all the budget is spent on military, social security and medicare. These aren't very elastic. So, if you are proposing overhauling these programs to avoid tax increases, then maybe it will work but I'm likely to oppose that. This makes tax increases inevitable.

Sanders, in my opinion, proposed a graduated taxation scale that distributed the increases fairly and it will affect me. Everybody else is kicking the deficit can down the road. By not addressing the deficit, they only make things worse. Do I approve of this increase? Because I think an increase is inevitable, I support the one candidate that is honest about what has to be done. That said, the law will be written in congress. I might change my mind once the sausage is stuffed.


Well-Known Member
Like it or not, we can't cut enough of our spending to redress the deficit much less retire the national debt. Practically all the budget is spent on military, social security and medicare. These aren't very elastic. So, if you are proposing overhauling these programs to avoid tax increases, then maybe it will work but I'm likely to oppose that. This makes tax increases inevitable.

Sanders, in my opinion, proposed a graduated taxation scale that distributed the increases fairly and it will affect me. Everybody else is kicking the deficit can down the road. By not addressing the deficit, they only make things worse. Do I approve of this increase? Because I think an increase is inevitable, I support the one candidate that is honest about what has to be done. That said, the law will be written in congress and the devil is in the details. I might change my mind once the sausage is stuffed.
That point goes to me.
no changing the menu once the sausage is made... order something else.
I'm retired military and I will be the first to tell you we waste a whole fuck load of money on our military and contractors, Why would you not want a overhaul of the over-spending here ?


Well-Known Member
That point goes to me.
no changing the menu once the sausage is made... order something else.
I'm retired military and I will be the first to tell you we waste a whole fuck load of money on our military and contractors, Why would you not want a overhaul of the over-spending here ?
Actually, you volleyed and sent the ball back over. Tell me, how much savings do you think you could wring out of cutting military spending waste? Enough to balance the budget? The deficit is $474B. The entire military budget is $601B.

I guess you want a bright line in my answer, so I'll just say yes, I support the tax plan as outlined by Sanders.

The ball goes back to you.


Well-Known Member
I'd whack that defense budget in half just to start.
Close 90% of our foreign bases
That would go a long ways to balancing the budget. We'd still have $174B deficit. Of course the hue and cry from conservatives would be annoying. But no different from the cry over a proposed tax increase.


Well-Known Member
That would go a long ways to balancing the budget. We'd still have $174B deficit. Of course the hue and cry from conservatives would be annoying. But no different from the cry over a proposed tax increase.

I'd whack all foreign aid by 90% .. Starting with Israel n Egypt.

End the war on drugs legalize weed and more importantly mass produce hemp.. and that budget is balanced