Check my post # 240.12 gauge turkey loads kill me after a few, can't even imagine a 10 gauge. How much does that thing even weigh with that long of a barrel?
I just picked up a Ruger American series bolt-action in 30-06 Springfield the other day and got her sighted in pretty good for not having a actual rest. Nothing fancy, I wanted wood, but settled for synth because it was on sale. I really, really, really want a M1903 Springfield, preferably surplus from WW1, but I just can't justify $1500+ dollars right now. Jetski is calling my name more ha.
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She's an A3-03 with a Timminy trigger in 30-06 Ackley improved (re chambered by Mcgowan) sitting in a Bell & Carlson stock in freedom tan.
I've met many moose & bear that flat out just don't like her (anymore).