Dabbing Crystals


Well-Known Member
SWIM noticed a friend who responsibly and casually dabs meth

The SWIM got curious and asked how it is, both bad and good


So you wanna dab meth?

First thing is first, go in healthy. Make sure youve eaten and have plenty of water. You want your blood sugar levels proper, and more so, have your body actively digesting nutrients so that it stays as human as possible lol

SWIM recommends consuming your crystal with concentrate itself.

The taste of meth alone in an oil rig is... varying but, you probably wouldnt like it. Pure ass. A wax will also help mask the smell of burnt chemical.

Were all educated here, so we all know what the average dab size is for a casual smoker. SWIM HIGHLY recommends this size for health reasons explained later, but you can go bigger. We all die one day anyways

Now break your crystal into a size up to the same size of your dab. SWIM always does half his dab size of meth. Its a sweet spot ratio, for taste and high.

Now, SWIM has read varying opinions about how exactly to dab your product but in the humble opinion...

Use a torch to ignite your nail ( prefer quartz) and get her glowing hot. I do so because it feels right, as if im burning any residue away and gives me a few seconds to get ready.

You DO NOT want to try this with a glowing nail. It works but... too much heat does some weird molecular shit and combusts into a cloud of ass smelling agent orange.

Let the glow run out, and about a second after is a good time to drop in your product. The smoke isnt too thick or harsh... it almost tastes and feels like you hit a home made schwag dab.

SWIM feels extra high by dabbing meth. The sensations are unparalleled, without any negative really. Negative effects come eventually, but not soon.

Nowx SWIM knows first hand how dangerous it can be. If you inject or snort your crystal, youll feel the effects way different, perhaps stronger. People who smoke however, can EASILY administer too much in a short amount of time.

The habit alone of dabing can trick a person into thinking they are ready to take more because of how easy it is and also potentially by referencing how much one can dab to get high- thus using the same mentality to meth.

Pace yourself.

If anything, one, maybe three hits of methdab at most in one days time should be sufficient for a responsible user. Of course everyones tolerance and body is different but as long as all the SWIM try controlled amounts and refuse daily, methdab can be one of the clearest, and vigor highs one can achieve.

SWIM played nazi zombies perfect to level 41 after doing the right amount. Went to work fine the next morning and excelled so much, the bossess aknowledged the above average productivity.

Maybe using meth as a catalyst in dabs, causes the body to allow easier thc delivery because of how much the body is rushed with dopamine processing.
dude i told you last time to get better quality meth. i can tell just by lookin at the pic and how you describe the taste/smell...that would help alot....i kinda like the flavor

personally i hate meth, but have done it, i prefer coca/freebase...honestly id say the good ol meth crack pipe is best, if you want a water filter can help with smooth clean hits.

when using a crack pipe it doesnt get that hot, and yiu roll the ball/pooling meth around so as to not burn it, slowly inhaling or letting the bulb fill then clearing repeatedly... that's the main prob with your dab method.

i agree, nobody should take more than 3 good hits in a days time. imo yiu also shouldnt use a substance with such long life daily either
dude i told you last time to get better quality meth. i can tell just by lookin at the pic and how you describe the taste/smell...that would help alot....i kinda like the flavor

personally i hate meth, but have done it, i prefer coca/freebase...honestly id say the good ol meth crack pipe is best, if you want a water filter can help with smooth clean hits.

when using a crack pipe it doesnt get that hot, and yiu roll the ball/pooling meth around so as to not burn it, slowly inhaling or letting the bulb fill then clearing repeatedly... that's the main prob with your dab method.

i agree, nobody should take more than 3 good hits in a days time. imo yiu also shouldnt use a substance with such long life daily either

ive done it once and had a real bad experience .....never again

my old soldier used to talk about meth all the time while wewere in afghanistan .. he is from bakersfield ...said he was on it for 2 yrs before he joined the army

having worked side by side with a tweaker for 3 months ...the smell from his is horrible .... he aint got no teeth ..i mean if he yawned one time he tilted his head back and all i saw was this


no thanks skeeter , i like my teeth
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yiu had a bad experience with what. meth or coca?

ive seen people get pretty geeked on a few hits of hard. its normal for it to maybe make you feel like you gotta puke numb throat or lungs etc. but i mean all of a sudden straight up hallucinations and paranoia.

a buddy of mine always reacts the same. he'll see snakes everywhere in his house and call me over if im around "qwiz, qwiz...come her...qwiz, come help me" yiur good bro, (i already know whats up) theres nothing there.. "naw come over, i need yiur help man" i then guide him outside kicking away any clothes or whatever he thinks are snakes..then i stay with him outside about 20 min for him to return

lol.. its kinda funny and sad at the same time. but shit, id rather you call me and chill out than stay geekin in yiur house
yiu had a bad experience with what. meth or coca?

ive seen people get pretty geeked on a few hits of hard. its normal for it to maybe make you feel like you gotta puke numb throat or lungs etc. but i mean all of a sudden straight up hallucinations and paranoia.

a buddy of mine always reacts the same. he'll see snakes everywhere in his house and call me over if im around "qwiz, qwiz...come her...qwiz, come help me" yiur good bro, (i already know whats up) theres nothing there.. "naw come over, i need yiur help man" i then guide him outside kicking away any clothes or whatever he thinks are snakes..then i stay with him outside about 20 min for him to return

lol.. its kinda funny and sad at the same time. but shit, id rather you call me and chill out than stay geekin in yiur house

nah i did coke before and from what I remember it was great ...again this was all back in 99 when my life went to shit and was told to join the armyh or go to jail ..i joined the army

meth ....maaaaan .... i thought i was gonna die ......i did too much

but...im older now ..im clean as a button with the exception of thc in my system ..

hell i dont even drink