Well-Known Member
Yep, I think you drowned them.So, so far the 2 Deep Blues have sprouted a little tail, and are now in some perlite micro-hempys for seedling phase.
I've opted for the simple seed-in-water germination technique this time around, but so far it's been 3 days and none of the others are showing signs of life...
Is there a probability that I may "DROWN" them?? lack of oxygen? Should I have gone with the paper towel method? Or do I wait it out and they will eventually pop?

Try something simular to this: Do not soak seeds first. Use a heating pad on low, a deeper plastic container and a one 1 inch rockwool cube for each plant soaked in water and put inside the container: Add enough water to just touch the rockwool. Just dampen a paper towel. Add the seeds, fold and lay paper towel on top of the rockwool cubes. The cubes will act like a wick to pull moisture up to the towel. Put container on heating pad set to low and cover with a dishtowel(not a plastic lid). Check once a day. When a seed pops remove a soaked rockwool, add seed and put it back in the container someplace it isn't covered by the paper towel. Keep container covered with dishtowel. As soon as they sprout out of the cube I'll move it to another part of the heating pad with a CFL.
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