EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
The price for the job was whatever I told him it was, I did the guy a favor n I wasn't really interested in doing in the first place.. My Dad kinda put me on the spot in front of him n his wife.. Here's a tip, don't bird dog someone while they work, and never talk politics ... I stop going to my barber because he wouldn't shut his mouth about politics as well, I couldn't take the Obama blame game anymore.
My last boss was on Scott Walkers campaign. He even made a video for him saying his company was expanding because of Walkers policys.
This was a year before he closed our plant and cut jobs.


Well-Known Member
Lol, schullar you see Trump @ odds with Fox news?

I bet he runs independent unless Faux News capitulates and submits to him.. Good news for Bernie eh?

I can't imagine any Sanders votes would be effected but it would hurt Clinton n Cruz.. What you think

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nothing, as long as you can afford it. Better yet, avoid debt for anything other than a house. Even then, treat that house as a hedge against inflation rather than an investment. Buy the least house you need and pay it off as soon as possible. The best way to save money is to not spend it. I know, this is boring but millenials seem to know this better than those older than they are -- except the depression era generation who were champions at saving. Good for them.

However, it seems that conservatives want it both ways. They, just as much as anybody are spending their way towards retirement into poverty yet scream "personal responsibility" when someone else runs into hard times.

I'm liberal politically but personally fiscally cautious. Personal responsibility is just that. Personal. Nobody else's business.

If you are liberal politically, (or really anything politically) you are not for personal responsibility. You are espousing two opposing view points. You could have at least waited until one side of your mouth stopped flapping, before engaging the other side with an opposing view point.

I agree with your last sentence, "nobody else's business" ...pity that you don't even agree with it yourself though.


Well-Known Member
If you are liberal politically, (or really anything politically) you are not for personal responsibility. You are espousing two opposing view points. You could have at least waited until one side of your mouth stopped flapping, before engaging the other side with an opposing view point.

I agree with your last sentence, "nobody else's business" ...pity that you don't even agree with it yourself though.
for a so called non-political guy, you sure spend a lot of time in politics.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
for a so called non-political guy, you sure spend a lot of time in politics.

How observant . Yes, I do.

Think of me as a preacher and you government turd polishers as sinners.

Some of you turd polishers use your left hand and some use your right, but when your hand gets tired of polishing....you're still holding a turd.


Well-Known Member
How observant . Yes, I do.

Think of me as a preacher and you government turd polishers as sinners.

Some of you turd polishers use your left hand and some use your right, but when your hand gets tired of polishing....you're still holding a turd.
as you politic, but cool beans. I like you here.
You make for great entertainment


Well-Known Member
Lol, schullar you see Trump @ odds with Fox news?

I bet he runs independent unless Faux News capitulates and submits to him.. Good news for Bernie eh?

I can't imagine any Sanders votes would be effected but it would hurt Clinton n Cruz.. What you think
Check this thread..fall of house of Clinton..good article.

Why would trump run indie?

Trump is sad his sideshow needs to actually say something other than..wall..Muslims..illegals. He's got the attention of every old white man and redneck in the nation..but there aren't nearly enough of them to matter on Election Day.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!


The breakdown by total numbers shows a different picture. This poll is based upon people who say they have recieved food stamps in their lifetime. Personally, I think the republicans conveniently forgot about that time when... I base this on the map shown above.Look at that swath of brick red coloration in the south. But ok, the data are what they are. The final breakdown according to ideology free of affilliation shows no difference between liberals and conservatives.


Thanks but I think most of us already understand that whites are a lot less likely any other race feed at public trough adding up the numbers here for the other races it would be 15 to 71, or a 1to 5 ratio. Republicans to the others it would be 10 to 39 a 1 to 4 ratio.
Were we to remove white trailer trash from this it would be almost 0 for whites and republicans!

Few understand what conservative is, just as here most seem to think that if your Christian than your a conservative. Black and white Christians tend to think of their self as conservative even when they vote democrat so these numbers are VERY SKEWED....

As for your silly heading your swath of red is mostly pink and you silly boy if all the blacks and Hispanics were removed from this swath of yours than it would be almost all white.

red w. blue

Well-Known Member
The price for the job was whatever I told him it was, I did the guy a favor n I wasn't really interested in doing in the first place.. My Dad kinda put me on the spot in front of him n his wife.. Here's a tip, don't bird dog someone while they work, and never talk politics ... I stop going to my barber because he wouldn't shut his mouth about politics as well, I couldn't take the Obama blame game anymore.
Are you sure it wasn't because your bald?