

Well-Known Member
So in a nutshell I posted my brothers bail about a month ago for around 400$ and he hasn't pays be back a dime and he calls me tonight saying he needs me to post another 150$...I'm not sure what to do I'm pretty broke as is and I feel like if I keep postin for him he'll never learn anything and I know he wont pay me back, and I'm pretty sure if it were me needin him to post he wouldn't do it,what would you guys do
family is family

post the bail for the moron then take him home yell at them ....explain this is 2 1 more bail out that is it .....after that u need to pay me back if u want to be bailed out again
my father bailed me out for 6500 my last charge i paid him back with in 4 months he is willing to bail me out again if i need it (even willing to put the house up so do not really pay anything )

everyone gets 3 bails outs in the family no ?s asked ....after that3rd one if u have no paid any of it back u sit in jail unless u can come up with the money yourself


Well-Known Member
this him?this fuckin dude is cooked

ur not go anywhere homes....ur not go anywhere essay..lol ..i loost it at ;46

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Never let blood ties make a blind judgement call for you. Especially when it comes to your financial well being. Crap like that has costs me 10s of 1000s of $.
If it's a case of

And he already agreed to then if I were you I'd take some sort of collateral with a time limit on it. Have him sign off his car title or something of that nature with an agreement that you won't pull it out from under him until such and such date. If he scoffs, refuses or pulls the "That's fucked man you know I'm good for it" then just step away and let them handle their own business. If they were "Good for it" then they wouldn't be bumming off from you in the first place.
You'll find that your family will fuck you over faster and worse than anyone else on the planet.
People that don't honor a deal are just as bad as thieves. It's profit through deception at another's cost so it's the same thing at it's basic level.
I've rarely had a family member pay me back and they justify it with "We're family man" and all that crap.
But I've had a coworker I posted bail for pay me back and then some after I told them not to even worry about it in the first place until his court shit was over with (he got caught growing)
I agree with the "Im good for it" statement. I dispise people who blatantly lie. I had to buy a few bags from the neighbor kid, and one time I bought an 8th (waiting for harvest) h3 comes to my front porch and asks what im up to. Tell him my girl is sick and were half sleeping watching a movie blah blah. Give him the 50$ (illegal state, I dont buy weed i grow) and he starts walking away and says hey man I need 60.. Without hesitation I tell him Ill bring it ACROSS THE STREET tomorrow as I only pulled out 50$. He says he wants me to go to the bank RIGHT NOW cuz his guy is coming to pick up the cash and he doesnt have 10$ extra. I say, what happened to that 1500$ you were bragging about yesterday and he just gives me a bunch of bullshit. Tries to sell me xanny bars for 10$ a pop as well. Thats why I grow my own, especially without any good connects. Thought id share..


Well-Known Member
this him?this fuckin dude is cooked

ur not go anywhere homes....ur not go anywhere essay..lol ..i loost it at ;46
that is so sad I almost want to cry,its just fucked up, ihate hard -shit garbage drugs an what it doing to people


Well-Known Member
that is so sad I almost want to cry,its just fucked up, ihate hard -shit garbage drugs an what it doing to people

i feel ya man... i worked with tweakers side by side for 3-4 months before i said fuck it and quit ..... the one i worked with has done it for at least 14 yrs .. he got maybe at most 10 teeth ..is about 6' and said he weighed like 140...ive seen what it can do first hand when his fuckin cheeks are sunken and his eyes look so fucked ..he gets real shitty when he is comin down too ..like he is dying to get back home to take that hit

the smell is fucking horrible


Well-Known Member
If you're fine with bailing him out the rest of his life then pay. You get to decide the boundary here. Not saying either way is better than the other, just that in this instance, the power is yours. You are setting the precident by paying more than once.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
I agree with the "Im good for it" statement. I dispise people who blatantly lie. I had to buy a few bags from the neighbor kid, and one time I bought an 8th (waiting for harvest) h3 comes to my front porch and asks what im up to. Tell him my girl is sick and were half sleeping watching a movie blah blah. Give him the 50$ (illegal state, I dont buy weed i grow) and he starts walking away and says hey man I need 60.. Without hesitation I tell him Ill bring it ACROSS THE STREET tomorrow as I only pulled out 50$. He says he wants me to go to the bank RIGHT NOW cuz his guy is coming to pick up the cash and he doesnt have 10$ extra. I say, what happened to that 1500$ you were bragging about yesterday and he just gives me a bunch of bullshit. Tries to sell me xanny bars for 10$ a pop as well. Thats why I grow my own, especially without any good connects. Thought id share..
transacting with neighbors on front porch no bueno


Staff member
this really depends.
but i will say dont be an enabler.

He knows youll do anything for him right now because you are family and people will use that to their advantage, and you will give and give and give because you feel obligated.
Youre not obligated to pay for his mistakes he makes as an adult. He can grow up and be a proper person or he can pay you back.

If hes not paying you back and is using you like an ATM, its just as much your fault as his, stop enabling him.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
transacting with neighbors on front porch no bueno
Where I live the front porch isnt visible, its pretty nice. But besides that Im not involved with all that anymore, and honestly am thankful Im able to grow my own. I probably wouldnt smoke if I had to count on others, I cant rely on others.

Hope all is well your way buddy.