Please help plants not doing good at all


I'm a new grower as far as indoor growing goes.I'm using a 400 watt mh light in a 4x4x5 area.the room is wrapped in Mylar I'm running a furnace blower motor fobhr my intake and a 6in Holmes fan in my roof and a standard bathroom exhaust fan in the ceiling as well for exhaust I can't get my temperature under 85degrees.I have a bunch of 13 watt cfl bulbs and sockets they are 900lumens at 2700k also have 4 6500k cfl bulbs and a 4 tube t5 set-up I'm using soil and watering every other day with neptunes harvest and super thrive at half strength .my plants are bleaching please any advice on the matter.should I switch my lights or what should I do.thank you in advance .pnut3070@facebook.comDSC_0037.JPG DSC_0037.JPG DSC_0037.JPGplease help


Thanks really trying to get this right been growing for 30 yrs but only outside trying to get used to controlling the environment am ordering a tent next week should help


They are in jiffy pots not paper cups and they are going outside in a cold frame in a month those are being grown to put outside .have a few good seeds that are going in the place of these when I move them going to grow 5 inside in a dwc system when I get it built and get all the stuff I need for basically testing the light right now thinking of switching to a 600 watt led think the mh hps is gonna put off to much heat what would you advise


Well-Known Member
They are in jiffy pots not paper cups and they are going outside in a cold frame in a month those are being grown to put outside .have a few good seeds that are going in the place of these when I move them going to grow 5 inside in a dwc system when I get it built and get all the stuff I need for basically testing the light right now thinking of switching to a 600 watt led think the mh hps is gonna put off to much heat what would you advise
Planning to switch to an LED from an HID because of heat issues is a bandaid fix, you need to correct your environment. Not to be rude or presumptuous but judging by this thread you need to spend a lot of time reading the basics of indoor growing in stickied threads on this forum and others, the GrowFAQ from Overgrow (search Google), etc. You don't have the base of knowledge you need, so get working on that.

In the mean time, here are some issues I can point out based on what you have posted so far:

-Way too much light and way too close. You need very little light to grow healthy seedlings. You could take away the 400w HID and CFLs and just use the T5 for at least a week or two until these are back on track.

-Over-watered and under-aerated medium. Your soil is compacted and not allowing enough oxygen to the roots, and you are likely not allowing enough time to dry out between watering. Take a pot, fill it with your soil, let it sit in the environment for a few hours to a day or so until very dry. Lift the pot, note the weight, and then use that knowledge to only water the other pots when they have reached that level of dryness. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it is much easier to kill a plant by overwatering than it is by underwatering, particularly in a soil application.

-You're feeding way too early. Seedlings don't need anything for the first week or two of their life cycle in a soil application like this. Stick with plain water until you have these things healthy.


Planning to switch to an LED from an HID because of heat issues is a bandaid fix, you need to correct your environment. Not to be rude or presumptuous but judging by this thread you need to spend a lot of time reading the basics of indoor growing in stickied threads on this forum and others, the GrowFAQ from Overgrow (search Google), etc. You don't have the base of knowledge you need, so get working on that.

In the mean time, here are some issues I can point out based on what you have posted so far:

-Way too much light and way too close. You need very little light to grow healthy seedlings. You could take away the 400w HID and CFLs and just use the T5 for at least a week or two until these are back on track.

-Over-watered and under-aerated medium. Your soil is compacted and not allowing enough oxygen to the roots, and you are likely not allowing enough time to dry out between watering. Take a pot, fill it with your soil, let it sit in the environment for a few hours to a day or so until very dry. Lift the pot, note the weight, and then use that knowledge to only water the other pots when they have reached that level of dryness. It may seem counter-intuitive, but it is much easier to kill a plant by overwatering than it is by underwatering, particularly in a soil application.

-You're feeding way too early. Seedlings don't need anything for the first week or two of their life cycle in a soil application like this. Stick with plain water until you have these things healthy.
Thanks I'm only running the 400 watt the others are other lighting options I have that I can switch to and as far as soil I thought I would be ok used a mix of coco core,jiffy seedling mix and a mix of organic potting soil with earth worm casting I'll have to pick up some perlite to add to my mix thanks for the advice switching from outside growing to inside has me messed up


Well-Known Member
They are in jiffy pots not paper cups and they are going outside in a cold frame in a month those are being grown to put outside .have a few good seeds that are going in the place of these when I move them going to grow 5 inside in a dwc system when I get it built and get all the stuff I need for basically testing the light right now thinking of switching to a 600 watt led think the mh hps is gonna put off to much heat what would you advise
Jiffy pots are made from paper. So again get them out of the paper and into cups or pots. Separate the ones in the same pot.

Maybe sprout a couple at a time until you get the hang of it.


Jiffy pots are made from paper. So again get them out of the paper and into cups or pots. Separate the ones in the same pot.

Maybe sprout a couple at a time until you get the hang of it.
Ok thanks I think my soil is messed up getting ready to redo everything