Original Sensible Seed Company.

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I don't think its a troll thread. I read through the journal at the other site. This dude is really tore up over something silly.
It's like when a child doesnt get their and they throw a temper tantrum. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ITS ALL ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <----this guys attitude.
I just feel if they are willing to be even a little dishonest, then why couldn't they be very dishonest. So I'm telling anyone who will listen.
They were not dishonest. You were late getting your pics up. They were bad pics of an unfinished grow. They had every right to turn you down.

Seriously, they did nothing wrong.

They said I didn't own a real business and they were turning people away from my services.
Perhaps you should work on your internet charm and tact. Try to win over a few people and make them like you. Hey. I like you do. I even love you. You're a beautiful person and really did deserve to get chosen to receive those free tester seeds. Why? Because?

Peace and love bro. You'll get em next time champ. Why? See above.
Bro you are butthurt about not being selected for a FREE giveaway. Take your emotions and deal with them , crying on the forum isn't going to help.
My emotions are in check, it's yours that could due with some fine tuning there yoda. You seem very upset over something you don't have to be involved in.
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