Water in Flint and other general problems in our political environ

Then I would say shame on snyder.

So far as we know now, Snyder believed all safety steps were being taken with the drinking water. He was receiving emails from his EM stating just that.
Pie, Its Snyder's administration. Not saying he's done anything criminal, but things are pretty fucked up. Did you know that Flint is under emergency administration of the state? Its been under the state throughout this crisis and before. One of the first things done under emergency administration was to evaluate Flint River water as a low cost alternative to Detroit's water. This was rejected in 2012. The evaluation report cited the need to treat the water with anti-corrosion chemicals. There was a rush to disconnect from Detroit water in late 2013-early 2014. It was mighty risky and aggressive cost cutting. This thing was rushed through without addressing the difference between Flint River water and Lake Huron water, the issues of which quite clearly had been discussed earlier but no actions were taken to address them. In other words incompetence at best.

After six years in office, Snyder is responsible for the actions of his administration. If Snyder is going to take the praise for things going well, he has to take the criticism when they don't. Its called accountability. Without that, nothing gets done right.
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Pie, Its Snyder's administration. Not saying he's done anything criminal, but things are pretty fucked up. Did you know that Flint is under emergency administration of the state? Its been under the state throughout this crisis and before. One of the first things done under emergency administration was to evaluate Flint River water as a low cost alternative to Detroit's water. This was rejected in 2012. The evaluation report cited the need to treat the water with anti-corrosion chemicals. There was a rush to disconnect from Detroit water in late 2013-early 2014. It was mighty risky and aggressive cost cutting. This thing was rushed through without addressing the difference between Flint River water and Lake Huron water, the issues of which quite clearly had been discussed earlier but no actions were taken to address them. In other words incompetence at best.

After six years in office, Snyder is responsible for the actions of his administration. If Snyder is going to take the praise for things going well, he has to take the criticism when they don't. Its called accountability. Without that, nothing gets done right.
Was Snyder aware of the 2012 finding that the water had to be treated for corrosiveness? Was he aware that it wasn't being treated?
He doesnt have to. One of only 2 governors in country that doesnt number one. But why not voluntarily?
He released a pile of recent emails, just not the ones from earlier on when the decisions were being made. Why not release them?

Was Snyder aware of the 2012 finding that the water had to be treated for corrosiveness? Was he aware that it wasn't being treated?

Snyder hasn't released emails from that time. Care to speculate why?

For me, it really doesn't matter if we have a smoking gun or not. The leader sets the tone and direction of his administration. He also sets objectives. One of which, we know, was Snyder's aggressive cost cutting objectives. Flint's water supply was redirected as one of these cost cutting initiatives. In other words, this is one of Snyder's initiatives. Its his and his team botched it. Again, if he takes praise for aggressive cost cuts, he has to take blame for initiatives to cut cost that go wrong.
This is a fair question. I have no idea what their point is either. @bravedave and @Flaming Pie , what is your point? What would you say to the people of Flint if you could?

It is a fucking, pathetically, stupid question and one whose answer I have alluded to in a number of posts already. So you have lost on the facts and you are shooting for something else? (Hint: that is the pathetic part).

But here is a table scrap. Instead of more rhetoric, a good starting point mat be a refunding every water bill since the start of the fiasco. What a joke those inflated bills were/are.
Ahhhhhaaahhhaaaa Dave doesn't know shit and just rambles on in a Jack Daniels induced fantasy. Facts are not needed in his liquid world. So, tell me, you are the one with the comic book, was it the Joker or maybe Kingpin that gave Flint this affliction?

Jack Daniels Dave is the one grinding on and on about a cover up.

One thing is certain, it was an inept and corrupt administration that did this. And its right there for all to see. Whether or not this administration gets into the judicial system is less important right now. Taking care of the afflicted and resolving this water crisis is the only important thing at this time.

So fuck off Dave. We don't really care about your comic book fantasy about being the Jack Daniels Defender from an internet pot head forum.

Think about it everybody. Dave's worried we think that Snyder covered up for his ineptness when the total incompetence is there for all to see. Isn't that just about the most ridiculous thing you ever heard?
Forget it dude, you're beating a dead horse it's folks like him who voted for a dickhead like Snyder.

It is a fucking, pathetically, stupid question and one whose answer I have alluded to in a number of posts already. So you have lost on the facts and you are shooting for something else? (Hint: that is the pathetic part).

But here is a table scrap. Instead of more rhetoric, a good starting point mat be a refunding every water bill since the start of the fiasco. What a joke those inflated bills were/are.
Forget it dude, you're beating a dead horse it's folks like him who voted for a dickhead like Snyder.

check. I just hope his drinking gets him before he becomes a medical liability.
Then I would say shame on snyder.

So far as we know now, Snyder believed all safety steps were being taken with the drinking water. He was receiving emails from his EM stating just that.
We dont know shit! Snyder is the Captain of a ship he is suppose to take over ALL operations in the face of passenger safety, but he didn't, that, my friend is a fact.

Hell yes and yes, he knew about everything his EM told him about the cost of treating the water with anti corrosion solution would be too costly ($100) a day and Snyder agreed.

So, Born 4 Lyin,, let me guess, you have no proof of your allegation and like the water it might be tainted as you pulled it out of your ass. ??
Wow, Elwood.
So you are frustrated because I so easily poke holes in your theories I take it. Does calling me names and inventing motives make you feel better? I hope so. Lots of anger there. Have you tried Midol?

Funny though @rollitup felt the same frustration and put me on "slowdown" after my calling someone a jackass in response to them calling me a fool and a retard. I wonder how "cunt" fairs.

only thing you've easily poked holes in is any credibility you'd ever have.