i have become addicted to coffee

I have an electric kettle, you can set the temp to what ever you want. It boils water faster than a pot.


It is great. I like green tea from time to time. For green tea the water should be around 175.
French press tastes good but unfiltered coffee is bad for you and raises cholesterol.

Pour over is the way to go. If you brew a pot, 15 minutes later it garbage.
Fresh cup every time and it costs less than $20. Round filters are about a penny each.


Put in enough coffee for one cup. Pour in a small amount of 200 degree water, enough to get the grounds wet. Wait 30 seconds, this is called "the bloom."

Then pour enough water over to fill your cup.

Better than drip and healthier than French press.

i've seen these and never tried since I've spent so much $ in search of that perfect cup. Thanks for the instructions. Going to Amazon and order one. @Trousers Do you grind beans fresh each time? or will just reg ground coffee do? (if you have to grind your own, how fine?)
I grind each time. It makes better coffee no matter what method you use.
You can use reg coffee. I guarantee it will be better than drip.

How fine a grind is opinion. I like it a little bit course. Some coffee is better fine, some course.
More important is the amount you put in. Some people weigh beans before grinding to make each cup the same.
I grind each time. It makes better coffee no matter what method you use.
You can use reg coffee. I guarantee it will be better than drip.

How fine a grind is opinion. I like it a little bit course. Some coffee is better fine, some course.
More important is the amount you put in. Some people weigh beans before grinding to make each cup the same.
Thanks. I'm getting this as an early BD present.
im a simple man when it comes to.my liquid coffee bean.

lol bro i dont even measure. i make mine in iron pot over fire, same way we been doin it forever.. dump in grounds till i feel its good.
if too many oils get extracted i cool it off, also based on bean roast. once its a heavy boil in go the grounds, or else its too bitter. stays boil for a couple seconds. take it off the fire and pour it in a cup. the grounds sink. no filter required.
and i get a cup of frothy goodness
no cream no sugar

i know i apparently have horrible taste in coffee...i guess i make up for it in other aspects
French press tastes good but unfiltered coffee is bad for you and raises cholesterol.

Pour over is the way to go. If you brew a pot, 15 minutes later it garbage.
Fresh cup every time and it costs less than $20. Round filters are about a penny each.


Put in enough coffee for one cup. Pour in a small amount of 200 degree water, enough to get the grounds wet. Wait 30 seconds, this is called "the bloom."

Then pour enough water over to fill your cup.

Better than drip and healthier than French press.

Well that sounded like bullshit so I read up on it and dangit you're right! :)

Thanks for posting that about cholesterol, that's good info. Still, I like my coffee ritual as-is and am not looking to add steps/time to it. Same with cannabis, I'd rather smoke flowers with a Bic and a bowl, more than concentrates or any other step-adding process. To each his own tho. :-)
It is only adding a step if you have a second cup.
Pour over is easier than French press. The second cup out of French press is shit 15 minutes later. Coffee goes bad quickly.
It is only adding a step if you have a second cup.
Pour over is easier than French press. The second cup out of French press is shit 15 minutes later. Coffee goes bad quickly.
thats the one perk of the kurig.. it makes coffee real quick. and every cup is fresh made. my main issue with my kurig though other than k cups are a complete rip off, is that the cups it makes a ridiculously small
thats the one perk of the kurig.. it makes coffee real quick. and every cup is fresh made. my main issue with my kurig though other than k cups are a complete rip off, is that the cups it makes a ridiculously small
i got the 2.0 version...it gives you the option of 10 oz. its really fucking polite too...it says ty, please and enjoy your coffee:)
French press tastes good but unfiltered coffee is bad for you and raises cholesterol.

Pour over is the way to go. If you brew a pot, 15 minutes later it garbage.
Fresh cup every time and it costs less than $20. Round filters are about a penny each.


Put in enough coffee for one cup. Pour in a small amount of 200 degree water, enough to get the grounds wet. Wait 30 seconds, this is called "the bloom."

Then pour enough water over to fill your cup.

Better than drip and healthier than French press.
I'm on Amazon. Didn't realize so many options

does brand matter?

*did think this bullet point was funny
  • The cone features a large hole at the bottom to create one of the most personal experiences you can have
thats the one perk of the kurig.. it makes coffee real quick. and every cup is fresh made. my main issue with my kurig though other than k cups are a complete rip off, is that the cups it makes a ridiculously small

kcups are ground sometime months before you get them.
I'm on Amazon. Didn't realize so many options

does brand matter?

*did think this bullet point was funny
  • The cone features a large hole at the bottom to create one of the most personal experiences you can have

I have a plastic one and then upgraded to white ceramic. I don't know what brand. The Hario size one looks good. I wouldn't buy the one with the giant hole.
My still uses her plastic melitta one.

I do not pay extra for the v shaped filtewrs that fit perfectly, I use the brown basket style ones. They are the cheapest and work fine.
I forgot to add - I wet the filter before putting the coffee in.