Iowa Caucus

Damn London, maybe you ARE the richest dude on this site..

They still haven't called this.. That's how close it is, I'm hearing voter irregularities a possibility.:shock:

6 precincts did a coin toss- stupid ass hillbillies..smh

Hillary won all 6 coin tosses..of course.
For real? Did bernie have the majority vote?
We agree on that point. Another four to eight years of the abject stupidity of the progressive agenda and the country should be cratering enough they wake up out of the haze of suicidal, liberal ideology and vote for Conservatives across the board.

Or, they accept "the new normal" of ridiculously under-reported unemployment, a fast track to a $30 trillion debt, $100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities and keep voting for progressives.

where has the conservative agenda worked?
il start with my opinion on tariffs if we don't charge them extra to bring in products we are trying to get them not to charge us extra ...
on to minuim wage is there for entry level low skilled jobs ...thats why there are so cheap raise that and you think companies rant going to suffer in one way or another ..either there going to lay off to keep there same profits or they rant and the ones who are barely making it will shut down

as of roe v wade .. i don't see that ever changing ..when did he say he is against gay rights for cutting funds to plan parenthood if thats where cuts need to be made ..make them ..people need to be more responsible for what there doing why should i pay for people getting pregnant...

damn dude..............
you don't like him bc he is republican and who believes in jesus(that is who i think you are referring to when you said big hebrew in the sky

yes, that is a mark of mental illness

other than that, he's wrong about nearly everything else. his policies have already failed. research the effect of the shrub's policies.

abject failure
don't see ted cruz saying anything anti gay ..tho there guy was saying few things but not ted

goddamn son...................this is a direct fucking quote

“My response to this decision was that it was illegitimate, it was lawless, it was utterly contrary to the Constitution and that we should fight to defend marriage on every front,” he said, before promoting constitutional amendments to overturn the ruling and put justices up for retention elections, along with legislation “to strip the federal courts of jurisdiction over challenges to marriage.” - See more at:
here's #2

For example, the military is now focused on trying to promote transgendered [sic] soldiers. The role of the military is not to be some left-wing social experiment. The reason we have the brave men and women who sign up as service men and women to defend this nation is to stand for our values, to protect our safety and security, to protect innocent men and women and to stand up and defeat our enemies, and I would stop the shameless politicizing of our military to push a left-wing agenda that is contrary to the values and contrary to who we are as an American people and a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. - See more at:
goddamn son...................this is a direct fucking quote

“My response to this decision was that it was illegitimate, it was lawless, it was utterly contrary to the Constitution and that we should fight to defend marriage on every front,” he said, before promoting constitutional amendments to overturn the ruling and put justices up for retention elections, along with legislation “to strip the federal courts of jurisdiction over challenges to marriage.” - See more at:
marriage is between a man and woman i agree wanna call it osmeting else cool but not marriage
here's #2

For example, the military is now focused on trying to promote transgendered [sic] soldiers. The role of the military is not to be some left-wing social experiment. The reason we have the brave men and women who sign up as service men and women to defend this nation is to stand for our values, to protect our safety and security, to protect innocent men and women and to stand up and defeat our enemies, and I would stop the shameless politicizing of our military to push a left-wing agenda that is contrary to the values and contrary to who we are as an American people and a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values. - See more at:
yeah basically lets stop focusing on gays and transgender and focus whats really important ..
marriage is between a man and woman i agree wanna call it osmeting else cool but not marriage

that's not the issue. you claimed cruz wouldn't attack gay marriage and i provided you a link showing him stating he will. you even missed the direct quotes in the fucking link so i posted them for you.

you're entitled to believe whatever the fuck you want to but you don't get to legislate the minority opinion to the rest of america
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