Yellowing happenin here Pics


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple pics of two of my girls starting to yellow. I think this maybe due to me flushing them 3 days ago because if found somethin funky growing in the Res. I flushed em for a day and brought everything back to normal within 2 days. I'm using Flora Nova Grow at 850 PPms, Fossil Fuel, and hygrozyme.. Any thoughts? :peace:


Well-Known Member
looks like nut burn. what kind of system or you useing too grow and what kind of grow light?


Well-Known Member
looks like nut burn. what kind of system or you useing too grow and what kind of grow light?
Homemade drip system and a 400Mh light. I know the lower leafs are nute burned a little, but the tops seem to be yellowing close to the veins if you know what I mean. Not the tips. :peace:


Well-Known Member
its deffo nute burn, cut down your food tomore than half and build it then back up to know more than half your feeding now.
are you in 12/12 or vegging?..


Well-Known Member
i would go back to soil, if you are having soo much trouble.
i think you would be better growing in soil for now, till you get used to growing.


Active Member
Check the pH. Too low of a pH and you run the risk of locking out the macronutrients especially nitrogen. I know for soil I am keeping mine around the 6.5 range. Not really sure about hydro but look into it.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have a nutrient toxicity. Did you flush your medium with just straight water or an agent like clearex?


Well-Known Member
Well I dropped my PPMs down to 750 from about 880 and things haven't gotten any worse so i'm just playing the waiting game. My PH is good at about 6.5. :weed: