Iowa Caucus

And there is a strong possibility you're full of kaka.


Quote for today: "The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living."

Cruzin' to the finish line.......


Slow down partna .. That weak ass bible bullshit and shitkicker southern drawl only works on rubes in Iowa and Texas and couple more states.. The overwhelming majority of Americans would never let that jerkoff in the whitehouse.
Its going to take everyone with a tax increase, major cuts to the real welfare Queens ( corporations, agricultural) tax code loopholes closed, defense budget slashed severely. Its not impossible, not even really difficult.. Just have the 1% and their bullshit propaganda to cease working on the sheeple.

Do you have any idea how many trillion we've pissed away in the mideast?
I thought you were going to solve this problem by cutting defense budget and eliminating waste in defense spending. Changed your mind?
The overwhelming majority of Americans would never let that jerkoff in the whitehouse.

Being that Cruz represents all this country was founded upon - liberty, Constitutional rights, less government control with more (real) power granted to the people to set their course, etc......let's say you have a crystal ball and you're correct in your predicktion - what does that say about the character of the people voting for loons like Sanders and Billary? Hell, Sanders has been bilking the campaign coffers and giving funds to family members and Hillary lied about her emails, server, etc. Remember I told you so, there is a govt. cover up on that one. Chickens will come home to roost. ;)

This country has gone to hell in a hand basket because of liberals and their brand of PC.

We, the conservatives, will take this country back and make it great again....something we can be proud of. Communists like Hillary and Sanders will continue the destruction manifested by Obama's policies and will continue to divide us.

Under Obama, the middle class is trying to survive under a recession. People are out of work, too many stopped looking years ago, just gave up.

Being that Cruz represents all that is what this country was founded upon - Constitutional rights, less government and more (real) power to the people, etc......let's say you have a crystal ball and you're correct in your predicktion - what does that say about the character of the people?

This country has gone to hell in a hand basket because of liberals and their brand of PC.

We, the conservatives, will take this country back and make it great again....something we can be proud of. Communists like Hillary and Sanders will continue the destruction manifested by Obama's policies and will continue to divide us.

Under Obama, the middle class is trying to survive under a recession. People are out of work, too many stopped looking years ago, just gave up.


You really really really need to learn your US history. Every time you try to speak about US History it's like listening to Helen Keller try to recite Shakespeare before she learned how to speak. More power to the people? Wrong, that's why we have a Republic, the Founding Fathers consistently wrote about how Democracy is a "Mobocracy."

Unemployment has actually gone down, and no people didn't stop looking and just gave up. That's some Republican self-defeating fantasy.

You have no idea what Communism is. If Hillary and Sanders are Communists, Cruz, Rubio, and Trump are Nazis. The funniest thing here is that Cruz and Rubio can't even poll well among their own Latinos lol.

I want to see Cruz's birth certificate. Lol.
Uncle Ben, there is a strong possibility that you will never see a conservative in the white house the rest of your life. You guys are so outnumbered its comical and that number grows yearly. You are like a fringe group of ham radio operators trying to slow down technology.

Speaking of I'm getting coffee and this guy who comes there has this car with the most huge aentenna on a car I've ever seen since the 70s looks like someone from the bible with long white beard and staff..I swear..asked him that must be some CB you have and he tells me with a gleam in his eye about how he speaks to people from around the world all the time like Russia and Antarctica..whoa! That surely is some feat..
Being that Cruz represents all this country was founded upon - liberty, Constitutional rights, less government control with more (real) power granted to the people to set their course, etc......let's say you have a crystal ball and you're correct in your predicktion - what does that say about the character of the people voting for loons like Sanders and Billary? Hell, Sanders has been bilking the campaign coffers and giving funds to family members and Hillary lied about her emails, server, etc. Remember I told you so, there is a govt. cover up on that one. Chickens will come home to roost. ;)

This country has gone to hell in a hand basket because of liberals and their brand of PC.

We, the conservatives, will take this country back and make it great again....something we can be proud of. Communists like Hillary and Sanders will continue the destruction manifested by Obama's policies and will continue to divide us.

Under Obama, the middle class is trying to survive under a recession. People are out of work, too many stopped looking years ago, just gave up.


Cruz would sell out his own momma to the Koch brothers or wall street snakes, he's a piece of shit and he uses that phony bible thumping act for dumb hayseeds.
So, raising taxes is going to deal with the $19 trillion debt?

Are we going to raise them enough to deal with the STAGGERING deficits that we're currently running, as well as the $1-$1.4 trillion deficits that are in our immediate future (due in no small part to ObamaCare)? Then, we would have to raise taxes even more so we can actually reduce the debt after eliminating the annual deficits.

Or, are we going to raise taxes for universal healthcare, free college and all the other "freebies" that the Dems are promising? Because there ain't enough tax money out there to do either, let alone both.

Or they can pay something..anything.

It's not even's getting rid of those loopholes and tax cuts that rather than pay taxes they would pay lobbyists..why not just pay the taxes?
Lobbyist aren't cheap.
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Speaking of I'm getting coffee and this guy who comes there has this car with the most huge aentenna on a car I've ever seen since the 70s looks like someone from the bible with long white beard and staff..I swear..asked him that must be some CB you have and he tells me with a gleam in his eye about how he speaks to people from around the world all the time like Russia and Antarctica..whoa! That surely is some feat..

The range is impressive, I think that's how submarines communicated in the middle of the ocean in ww1 and ww2 communicated back to land.