

Well-Known Member
The situation in Libya has turned bad for ISIS, they are cornered, the only thing left to do is execute one of a few options, Option 1 is a direct fire push front that involves US troops on the ground to assist, option two is to lay back and hope the Libyans can hold their own, option three is to rethink the situation and form a stable government first while ISIS continues forward.

Option one is a solution, the other options are delays.

Our Nobel Peace Prize winner has elected to take option three and delay. The Field Marshalls all agree to open the front now, without delay, they are cornered and you may not have this opportunity again soon. Obama disagrees, given all his expertise.

The Pentagon needs to be rounded off to accommodate and OddBall,...

This leader of ours is out in a few months so doing nothing leaves him clear of ISIS threats after he is gone, afterall, who needs that monkey on their back.

The only word to describe this, Gutless.
The situation in Libya has turned bad for ISIS, they are cornered, the only thing left to do is execute one of a few options, Option 1 is a direct fire push front that involves US troops on the ground to assist, option two is to lay back and hope the Libyans can hold their own, option three is to rethink the situation and form a stable government first while ISIS continues forward.

Option one is a solution, the other options are delays.

Our Nobel Peace Prize winner has elected to take option three and delay. The Field Marshalls all agree to open the front now, without delay, they are cornered and you may not have this opportunity again soon. Obama disagrees, given all his expertise.

The Pentagon needs to be rounded off to accommodate and OddBall,...

This leader of ours is out in a few months so doing nothing leaves him clear of ISIS threats after he is gone, afterall, who needs that monkey on their back.

The only word to describe this, Gutless.
Really, gutless? US troops on the ground, in Libya = insanity, and will never, ever happen. Let Iran and Saudi Arabia play their fuck you games, and stay out of it, like the US should in most areas in the ME (especially supporting Israel in their genocide)
These same bad guys did the Consulate.....Two civis, and two SEAL lost their lives.

The US is involved in negotiating a Stable Government for Libya, when trouble sits in the way, cower cuz Jimdamick said so ?

Hand your gun and ammo over to a real man and take latrine duty.....Jim.
It would help if people stuck with the,..."but what if ISIS does this or that syndrome".... would hold back on posting.
They drew first blood in Libya, I understand the two civis and two SEAL don`t mean much to you,...You can hang out with Obama,`ll fit right in.

They drew first blood in Libya? That's a good joke! :D

Since when did we have Field Marshalls also? (just playing with you, I know you meant generals). However, I didn't see anything in that article where our generals wanted US troops in Libya, or that they were saying Obama was gutless (and if they did I'd be writing letters asking for their resignation). I did however find...

“It’s fair to say that we’re looking to take decisive military action against ISIL in conjunction with the political process” in Libya, General Dunford [chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff] said. “The president has made clear that we have the authority to use military force.”

Like Jim said, US troops on the ground in Libya would be insane.
These same bad guys did the Consulate.....Two civis, and two SEAL lost their lives.

The US is involved in negotiating a Stable Government for Libya, when trouble sits in the way, cower cuz Jimdamick said so ?

Hand your gun and ammo over to a real man and take latrine duty.....Jim.
Ist off, I believe in the 2nd Amendment I just want it applied intelligently, like restrictions or complete bans on certain weapons, and EXTENSIVE background checks. So, no I ain't giving up my guns either OddBall1st ( Your moniker suits you).
2nd, I did clean latrines, and more than one. You know what my favorite tool was? That brush that you would use to scrub the urinals and the shitter, and you know what another great use for that tool would be? To shove it up the ass of fucking twits (I never ever did it, but thought about it, a lot, and you brought that memory back).
So, The Libyans fight hard and back up a Army of ISIS that has an entire section of their Country under ISIS control, the window of opportunity is only going to be open as long as ISIS stays together in that area.

Since reveling that there is up to three times as many highly trained ISIS commandos as suspected, and somehow getting them on the run with limited howitzer action, the call went out that a Decisive strike would put a great hurt on ISIS at this point in time. Timing is everything, so Obama has decided to give time on the side of ISIS instead of utilizing a flat-top force nearby, to put on ...DECISIVE military action against an ISIS stronghold and deny ISIS an opportunity to continue holding this area for training and operating.

The window isn`t open anymore, it still a window but they drew the curtains. You can`t see them anymore because that time, yes time, that they were given, helped ISIS out, they are now bugging out, splitting up, and blending in, ....Going after the hardware they leave behind, ..... is a joke. You have to get them.

So that`s what this time given to them has done.

It`s not about prolongevity, it`s about getting their on time so nothing can be prolonged.

We missed what could have been a great shot.
Had Obama taken this bite outta crime, there would be a big target on his back as long as he is alive,...he turned his back on America again, and I did not see a target on it.
So, The Libyans fight hard and back up a Army of ISIS that has an entire section of their Country under ISIS control, the window of opportunity is only going to be open as long as ISIS stays together in that area.

Since reveling that there is up to three times as many highly trained ISIS commandos as suspected, and somehow getting them on the run with limited howitzer action, the call went out that a Decisive strike would put a great hurt on ISIS at this point in time. Timing is everything, so Obama has decided to give time on the side of ISIS instead of utilizing a flat-top force nearby, to put on ...DECISIVE military action against an ISIS stronghold and deny ISIS an opportunity to continue holding this area for training and operating.

The window isn`t open anymore, it still a window but they drew the curtains. You can`t see them anymore because that time, yes time, that they were given, helped ISIS out, they are now bugging out, splitting up, and blending in, ....Going after the hardware they leave behind, ..... is a joke. You have to get them.

So that`s what this time given to them has done.

It`s not about prolongevity, it`s about getting their on time so nothing can be prolonged.

We missed what could have been a great shot.
Get over there asap and help those Libyans will ya. I'm sure they would love the help..