

I will be making a batch of qwiso in the near future and i wont to get it right.I know not to use any heat just use fan and that is all.Do i need to use heat after it has all purged to make sure i get any remaining iso out of it.If so can someone tell me the way i should go about this?This is the idea i have tell me if i am wrong or not.I plan on heating it just enough to scrape it all up onto parchment paper.Than tranferr the parchment paper with oil on it to a skillet on a electric burner and than heating it.The only thing is i dont wont to burn all the good stuff out of it.Can someone give me some tips on this matter please?


Well-Known Member
I would do on a coffee warmer. You want to watch and wait until the bubbles stop. Google how to make RSO and you will find info.

lio lacidem

Well-Known Member
If you let it air dry for 24-36 hours until it is apowdery coconsistency you dony need to do anything but scrape and smoke.


Is it better in the end to have the powdery consistency over the oily consistency?Also at the end of the 24/36 hour purge you dont add any heat just go straight to scraping?Wouldnt it make it easier to scrape if you warmed it up a bit?


Active Member
Just so you know the RSO isn't the tastiest product to vape/smoke. It is more for ingestion. It might vape good I guess if you use all good nugs and don't let it get too hot. Having it stop bubbling it the "decarboxylation" that will make it not taste good for inhalation. However, it does make it possible for you to ingest the oil and feel it as if you were to inhale it. Decarboxylation is just changing THCa to THC so that you can still get the medicinal use out of it without needing to vape. You could probably skip the decarb. Let us know how it goes!