I can't link any scholarly articles, because most gardeners I follow aren't scholars.
It's fine that you disagree, debate and knowledge is what it's all about.
The guy I follow the most is Harley Smith, check out his videos, he's one of the best gardeners in the world (literally) imo.
Jorge Cervantes is an idiot, he does so many things which are unnecessary and downright stupid, like his video of dunking your bud in peroxide and water.
Flushing removes nutrients from your medium, not from your plant, because if that were the case then use RO water from the beginning, because your plant has been sucking up nutrients throughout its life which it has already metabolized and put to good use. When plants pull nutrients from their leaves, it's because they're not getting enough from their medium... it's just not the optimum way to keep your plants healthy and happy, and it can affect your yield and quality.
Complex sugars can't count for nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, etc, etc.