Help deficient/sick plant

hello everyone Im new here and this is my first post. I need help with this plant. Its about 3 weeks old in happy frog soill using fox farm/advanced nutes in a 1 gal pot. Dunno the strain but was growing good until I topped it. Now its growing super slow and growing fairly small thin leaves compared to previous sets. I flushed last night because I didnt know what else to do. Should I transplant into 3 gal??? Phosphorous def?? Heres a few pics ,any info is greatly appreciated.


Been in the same 1 gal pot for almost a month. So to you, you dont think its a deficiency from excessive fert build up but just outta available nutes in the soil??? Thanks for the help btw
Ok I'll give it a try. When you guys flush do you use a super dilute fert/water mix or just straight water phd to 6.5? Should I wait till the soil is dryer or would it be best to give it a light dose of nutes now?


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll give it a try. When you guys flush do you use a super dilute fert/water mix or just straight water phd to 6.5? Should I wait till the soil is dryer or would it be best to give it a light dose of nutes now?
Only thing i flush is my toilet mate lol

but as someone said earlier repotting it into a larger pot is a good idea


Well-Known Member
repot into 5 gallon bucket or bigger. you shouldn't need to add fert with happy frog soil. not for quite a few weeks anyway.