last year I grew a plant in Mt dew


Well-Known Member
I had to see what would happen it didn't yield a lot but tasted and smelled and smoked just like it anyone else try any thing like this?
I'm sure Finshaggy has tried it. Although he probably used a generic version of Mt.Dew since he couldn't afford the real stuff. I'm sure he had the same results as he usually did whenever he tried growing. Dead plants.

they never died..
You ever see his grow? They were dead as fried chicken and the ones that weren't were wishing they were.

There's only one question for the OP left to ask after finishing read all the post to follow. Could it be true; is this real science? No more costly Nutrients from Hydrostores. A big FU to Corporate America. A smack in the face to NewtonIan laws and Botanist world wide. Hell yeah! As the plot thickened, post after post, of read, the same question in my mind kept bubbling up to the surface.
"What the, quacking, fuq?" I think, late night Adult Swim, makes more sense. I feel robbed of braincells.
The only part of this I can see not negatively effecting the plant is if you add Mountain Dew your last few days of flower. The plant should break down the sugars and may effect taste a bit... Still sounds like bs though.

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New goal, aerate some mountain dew for 24 hours and use it as the base for the DWC see how long they live

i wonder what the ph will be after its aerated
So does phosphoric acid, the most common pH down additive. Can't think what it would do to roots.

I wonder how much people would flip if they realised just how similar some of their favorite drinks are to water bottled nutrients?

Coke a Cola has phosphoric acid, a very common pH down component. Sugar, a common starch for feeding microbes.

Some energy drinks have B vitamins, helpful for plant growth, some say. There's also chelated iron in there.

Nitrates are common food preservatives, especially in meats.

This could be its own thread!