Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

BBC already tried a Spanish soap opera with expats, I think it was called Eldorado or something like that...didn't really work surprisingly, lol.
My Father and Grandfather were the same way. Grandpa was known as Hundred Dollar Bill!
My Father took off when I was two and moved to Maui. My aunt went to visit him and found him walking down the street in Lahaina with a girl on each arm. When he saw my aunt he told the girls to split and they were angry and didn't believe that she was his sister!

It is hard being married and having girls just unexpectedly come-on to you. And I am not talking cougars or MILFs. I am talking gorgeous young women. It drives Mrs. Mo nuts. She knows that I would never act on it.

On a business trip to Italy I spent three weeks with my female counterpart from Milano. We discussed the whole acceptance (and expectation) of having affairs in Italy. I felt almost rude about my Victorian behaviour. My French teacher in Uni was just as puzzled by my strange monogamy. The funny part is that Mrs. Mo is French. Although she is French-Canadian and Catholic so that might be why she is as selfish as I am.

Wait until your daughter's friends start hitting on you. Poof! Mind blown.

Hey D - Have you ever heard the Dutch phrase "Like an angel peeing on my tongue" to describe something delicious?

I am not sure where I have heard it, Mo, but it wasn't in my memory banks so maybe many years ago.Very funny though, where did you hear it from? - alsof er een engeltje over je tong piest!
I have a relative back east that sends me cool word articles. Apparently a Dutch dad wrote a story about his little girl saying this phrase at school and her friends all laughing. He grew up with the saying but his wife grew up with it being "an angel cycling on her tongue" which is pronounced very similarly fiest/piest. He researched it and the historically correct one he says is piest :)

I have added it to my list along with the Japanese - the happiness of a thousand pickles!

and I thought my life was complex lmfao

My folks swung back in their day, I went on a few naturist holidays as a bairn and thought nowt of everyone walking round in the nip. Looking back it was a terribly wasted opportunity but I wouldn't have know what to do with a lass at that age lol. well ish haha
Well certainly in interesting drama, good luck with it Jig. My wife is very territorial, and would kill me I think. I gotta say it would be a hard spot for me, as much as I love my wife she is the only girl that I've ever been with. Now I wouldn't throw that away for just one, but I've thought before that is some hot girl was actually into me it would be hard to walk away. That being said I've never had a girl other then my wife that was "into me". I don't think I've ever had a girl hit on me or intentionally flirt with me, and if I have, I don't know it.
Well certainly in interesting drama, good luck with it Jig. My wife is very territorial, and would kill me I think. I gotta say it would be a hard spot for me, as much as I love my wife she is the only girl that I've ever been with. Now I wouldn't throw that away for just one, but I've thought before that is some hot girl was actually into me it would be hard to walk away. That being said I've never had a girl other then my wife that was "into me". I don't think I've ever had a girl hit on me or intentionally flirt with me, and if I have, I don't know it.
I am sure you just didnt know it. If you werent interested you might not pick up on it.Might seem like worthless chatter from a chic, and its not.
I'm with bassman on both parts. Girls hit on us much more than we know it. And gay guys hit on me way more than girls do. Bassman... it's your muscles. They think I'm gay cuz I smile a lot.

and I thought my life was complex lmfao

We also both have mental issues. lol

So... plans are getting set up. Looks like 3 young ladies and myself will be going to gaze into the depths of the Sahara desert together for a few days at least. :)
Thanks for the tip Mo...I know you only mentioned it in passing but thought I'd give it a go after my trusty glass bottle sprung a leak in the lid....don't think I'll use it again anyway. Was much easier pressing hash with an iron;).....on silk. Had to brush the dust of the thing lol. Doesn't get used much in this house.