curious old fart
Well-Known Member
ffs... I wish all of this was a joke.
just the makings of a soap opera

just the makings of a soap opera

I am sure you just didnt know it. If you werent interested you might not pick up on it.Might seem like worthless chatter from a chic, and its not.Well certainly in interesting drama, good luck with it Jig. My wife is very territorial, and would kill me I think. I gotta say it would be a hard spot for me, as much as I love my wife she is the only girl that I've ever been with. Now I wouldn't throw that away for just one, but I've thought before that is some hot girl was actually into me it would be hard to walk away. That being said I've never had a girl other then my wife that was "into me". I don't think I've ever had a girl hit on me or intentionally flirt with me, and if I have, I don't know it.
and I thought my life was complex lmfao
Oh you definitely look the part I hate is that I get hit on by guys all the time, much more than girls. I dont have a problem with gay guys or anything, but do I look the part??