Original Sensible Seed Company.

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Who else wants to order some sensible seeds and give them cred? I'm thinking I do after this fiasco. Let me go look.


Let's start here. I'm liking that Dinafem OG Kush. I dunno tho. Might have to look more. Check it out. Let's grow from OSSC. Maybe we could put together N order and do some reviews. Seems like a legit company. Heck. They got Dinafem. Can't go wrong with that!
As @Amos Otis said..earlier this thread was a1 and it went downhill cant believe I read this all the way to the end..

OP has had a rough day in the real world.
Yes they have
Original sensible seed company sure seems like nice people. Op, breeders want people that can showcase the product and give germination times, feeding schedule, flowering times ect. They generally prefer organic growers. They want people that are capable of showing the plants full potential and articulating to the public all the unique characteristics. They literally want to know everything you're doing. They don't want to see a journal with unfinished grows because they want magazine quality. They don't want to see tinfoil, maxiblooms, rubbermade totes, mopbuckets or janky plants.The only thing they were dishonest about was saying you met the criteria and that could've just been an honest mistake. You turn around and try to paint a picture of them being morally wrong on a public forum for not giving you free stuff. I think you should apologize to them but that probably won't help your reputation here. I'm sure every breeder in the world will read this and think you would be a pain in the ass to deal with. I've been doing this for 25 years and nobody has ever asked me to test seeds. grow pics 024.jpg grow pics 023.jpg grow pics 006.jpg
OP , you are not listening to ANYONES advise here.

They are being VERY pleasant in their message to you so far, but I can see them gathering in the tall grass bro.

I emailed them. I've been talking to them. They seem like nice people.

They took their time to respond to me and read this thread. I have never purchased from them and they still answered my inquiry with in a day.

Think what you want but that says something about them.
I emailed them. I've been talking to them. They seem like nice people.

They took their time to respond to me and read this thread. I have never purchased from them and they still answered my inquiry with in a day.

Think what you want but that says something about them.
I don't think anything about them. I know they are dishonest.
I don't think anything about them. I know they are dishonest.
No they are not. You are dishonest and childish.

Not one person has taken your side. Dude, at some point you got to look in the mirror and realize you're wrong.

Its that simple. They did nothing wrong. You are a crappy grower and picture taker. They need good growers to showcase their products.

This company took time to answer a non customer question. It leads me to believe they would take care of a person if they order.

You are in the wrong. You know it. You just can't admit it.

It got you banned from another site and no one here is on your side. At what point do you understand you are wrong?
Let put it in a way this peanut gallery might comprehend it.

Say Apple decides to give out free iPhones to the first 10 people that show up to one of their stores. You get to that store days before the event is to take place in order to get that free iPhone. Once there you realize you're 4th in line and on the day Apple is supposed to give out free phones some stragglers make their way to the back of the line without bothering to count how ever many people are there. Apple shows up and right before they hand out their phones they state that they have had more interest in this promotion than they thought they would, so now they are going to choose at random. You don't get a phone and the people who only just bothered to show up do. How will you feel?
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